Tag: energy

  • The Ten Commandments of Movement Solidarity

    After a decade of grass­roots advo­ca­cy, my per­son­al belief is that the great­est obsta­cle to pos­i­tive change in the world isn’t cor­po­ra­tions, the gov­ern­ment, or the 1%, but lack of move­ment solidarity. And no, I’m not pre­tend­ing to be some mod­ern day Moses bring­ing the divine truths down from the moun­tain. I’m just some­one who…

  • EPA: Carbon Rules Could Ensure Nuclear Power’s Survival

    [Anoth­er rea­son why the dirty ener­gy resis­tance needs to band togeth­er. ‑Josh] - by Julie Wer­nau, June 18, 2014, Chica­go Tribune Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency Admin­is­tra­tor Gina McCarthy said Tues­day that the fed­er­al agen­cy’s pro­posed car­bon rules are designed to boost nuclear plants that are strug­gling to compete. “There are a hand­ful of nuclear facil­i­ties that because…

  • Energy Justice Now — A Forum for the Dirty Energy Resistance [June 2014]

    Check out the inau­gur­al June 2014 issue of Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work’s new pub­li­ca­tion, Ener­gy Jus­tice Now! In the June issue of Ener­gy Jus­tice Now (a forum for the dirty ener­gy resistance): -“Why Sol­i­dar­i­ty is Need­ed More Than Ever between Coal, Gas and Incin­er­a­tor Fight­ers” -“Pub­lic Lands, Dirty Ener­gy” -“On the Dirty Ener­gy Pol­i­cy Front” …and more!!! Please share the June 2014 issue…

  • Join Energy Justice Summer in Northeast Pennsylvania!

    Ener­gy Jus­tice Sum­mer Pro­mo from Alex Lotor­to on Vimeo. Ener­gy Jus­tice Sum­mer Pro­mo from Alex Lotor­to on Vimeo. From www.energyjusticesummer.org: About We are young orga­niz­ers who care deeply about social jus­tice and human rights. We seek a world where every­one has access to sus­tain­able ener­gy and no one suf­fers unjust­ly because of our fos­sil fuel econ­o­my. We believe that frack­ing…

  • High-Grade Wood Going to Nova Scotia Biomass Incinerator

    - by Tom Ayer , May 12, 2014, Source: Cape Bre­ton Bureau Pho­to: Erin Pot­tie, Cape Bre­ton Bureau Top sto­ries in Halifax Busi­ness own­ers in Cape Bre­ton who rely on the for­est for a liv­ing say high-qual­i­ty hard­woods are mak­ing their way into Nova Sco­tia Power’s bio­mass plant in Point Tup­per, con­sum­ing a wood sup­ply that…

  • EPA Seeks Comments on “Repowering America’s Land Initiative”

    [Con­tact the EPA at cleanenergy@epa.gov by May 30 and urge them NOT to include bio­mass ener­gy in their plans. ‑Ed.]  - Erin Voegele, May 8, 2014, Source: Bio­mass Magazine The U.S. EPA is seek­ing pub­lic com­ments on its new draft action plant for the RE-Pow­er­ing America’s Land Ini­tia­tive. The pro­gram pro­motes renew­able ener­gy devel­op­ment on cur­rent and for­mer­ly con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed lands,…

  • The Height of Stupidity? Jet Fuel from Trees

    [Yet anoth­er bad idea fueled by the fan­ta­sy of infi­nite growth. ‑Ed.] - May 9, 2014,  Source: Phys Org A key chal­lenge in the bio­fu­els land­scape is to get more advanced biofuels—fuels oth­er than corn ethanol and veg­etable oil-based biodiesel—into the trans­porta­tion pool. Uti­liza­tion of advanced bio­fu­els is stip­u­lat­ed by the Ener­gy Inde­pen­dence and Secu­ri­ty Act; how­ev­er,…

  • The Height of Stupidity? Jet Fuel from Trees

    [Yet anoth­er bad idea fueled by the fan­ta­sy of infi­nite growth. ‑Ed.] - May 9, 2014,  Source: Phys Org A key chal­lenge in the bio­fu­els land­scape is to get more advanced biofuels—fuels oth­er than corn ethanol and veg­etable oil-based biodiesel—into the trans­porta­tion pool. Uti­liza­tion of advanced bio­fu­els is stip­u­lat­ed by the Ener­gy Inde­pen­dence and Secu­ri­ty Act; how­ev­er,…

  • Call for Submissions: Energy Justice Now

    In June 2014, Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work will be launch­ing Ener­gy Jus­tice Now — a first-of-its kind pub­li­ca­tion report­ing on the entire spec­trum of the dirty ener­gy resis­tance and high­light­ing the voic­es of com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ers bat­tling fos­sil fuels, nuclear pow­er, and bio­mass and trash incin­er­a­tion from sea to shin­ing sea.  We are accept­ing sub­mis­sions (200–1,000 words) on any top­ic rel­e­vant to…

  • Welcome to Energy Justice Now!

    Wel­come to Ener­gy Jus­tice Now, Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work’s first month­ly newsletter! Ener­gy Jus­tice Now will pro­vide crit­i­cal report­ing on the entire spec­trum of the dirty ener­gy resis­tance, high­light­ing the voic­es of com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ers bat­tling fos­sil fuels, nuclear pow­er, and bio­mass and waste incin­er­a­tion from sea to shin­ing sea. We are accept­ing sub­mis­sions at nia­by [at]…