Tag: economics

  • Biofuels Project Pushing Thousands of People into Hunger in Africa

    Bio­fu­els Project Push­ing Thou­sands of Peo­ple into Hunger in Africa - Sep­tem­ber 4, 2013. Source: ActionAid A bio­fu­els project praised by the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion as envi­ron­men­tal­ly and social­ly respon­si­ble is push­ing thou­sands of peo­ple into pover­ty in one of the poor­est coun­tries in the world, a new Action­Aid report said today. The report comes as MEPs pre­pare to…

  • Biofuels Company Granted $4M from DOE after Hosting Obama at Fundraiser

    Green com­pa­ny grant­ed $4M from DOE after financier hosts Oba­ma at DSCC fundraiser - by Lach­lan Markay, Sep­tem­ber 20, 2013. Source: The Wash­ing­ton Free Beacon [Read “Cel­lu­losic Ethanol: A Bio-Fool’s Errand” to learn more about the bio­fu­els com­pa­ny LanzaTech.] The Depart­ment of Ener­gy recent­ly award­ed a mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar con­tract to a green ener­gy com­pa­ny financed by a major Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty fundrais­er…

  • Biomass Industry Fans Flames of Wildfire Hysteria

    Bio­mass Indus­try Fans Flames of Wild­fire Hysteria  California’s Rim fire, expect­ed to be ful­ly “con­tained” by Octo­ber after ignit­ing in Yosemite Nation­al Park on August 17, will ulti­mate­ly ben­e­fit the forests it has passed through. While media accounts sen­sa­tion­al­ize such large wild­fires as “cat­a­stroph­ic” and “dis­as­trous,” sci­ence demon­strates that, to the con­trary, fire is a vital com­po­nent of…

  • USDA to Expand Taxpayer Handouts to Biomass Industry

    USDA Announces Ini­tia­tive to Expand U.S. Wood-to-Ener­gy Efforts - by Sue Ret­ka Schill, Sep­tem­ber 13, 2013. Source: Bio­mass Mag­a­zine  The USDA announced a part­ner­ship agree­ment to expand wood ener­gy use, which will help improve the safe­ty and health of U.S. forests. The new part­ner­ships include USDA, the Alliance for Green Heat, the Bio­mass Pow­er Asso­ci­a­tion, the Bio­mass…

  • Biomass Health Care Costs

    Bio­mass Health Care Costs  - by Dick Stokes, August 16, 2013. Source: Gainesville Sun Physi­cians warned Gainesville offi­cials for years about the increased health risks and health-care costs from bio­mass-burn­ing emissions. There’s noth­ing green, clean or healthy about haul­ing over 22 coun­ties’ worth of wood on diesel-belch­ing trucks every day to burn in our backyard. Diox­ins, fine…

  • Waste-to-Energy Incinerator License Revoked in Scotland

    Waste-to-Ener­gy Incin­er­a­tor License Revoked in Scot­land  - August 27, 2013. Source: BBC News The Scot­tish Envi­ron­ment Pro­tec­tion Agency (Sepa) is revok­ing the oper­at­ing licence of an ener­gy-from-waste plant on the out­skirts of Dumfries. The notice was issued to Scot­gen (Dum­fries) Ltd on Fri­day and comes into effect on 23 September. The £20m plant was the site of…

  • How Europe can Help Obama Achieve U.S. Climate Targets

    How Europe can Help Oba­ma Achieve U.S. Cli­mate Targets - by Glenn Hurowitz, June 28, 2013. Source: Grist As the glob­al leader of cli­mate action, Euro­pean gov­ern­ments want to know how Pres­i­dent Obama’s major cli­mate speech affects Europe – and par­tic­u­lar­ly whether the actions he out­lined can allow the Unit­ed States to reach its com­mit­ment to reduce…

  • E.U. Agroenergy Policy: A Foreseeable Disaster

    E.U. Agroen­er­gy Pol­i­cy: A Fore­see­able Disaster In a mis­guid­ed attempt to alleged­ly tack­le run­away cli­mate change, the Euro­pean Union (E.U.) is imple­ment­ing pol­i­cy that would increase car­bon diox­ide emis­sions, dis­place native peo­ples, threat­en pub­lic health, and degrade forests and watersheds. A new report, A Fore­see­able Dis­as­ter: The Euro­pean Union’s agroen­er­gy poli­cies and the glob­al land and water grab,…

  • How to Stop a Biomass Incinerator

    How to Stop a Bio­mass Incinerator - by Peo­ple for Clean Mountains On July 22, 2013 the Tran­syl­va­nia Coun­ty, North Car­oli­na Board of Com­mis­sion­ers vot­ed 3–2 to enact a one year mora­to­ri­um on the devel­op­ment and per­mit­ting of any bio­mass facil­i­ty pro­duc­ing any out­put. This was the cul­mi­na­tion of four months of effort by the cit­i­zens…

  • Australia to Reverse Ban on Native Forest Incineration

    Aus­tralia to Reverse Ban on Native For­est Incineration - by Jen­ny Weber, Huon Val­ley Envi­ron­ment Centre  Australia’s New South Wales (NSW) state gov­ern­ment has announced plans to allow native forests to be logged and burnt for elec­tric­i­ty gen­er­a­tion. Remov­ing a ban on burn­ing native for­est wood for elec­tric­i­ty would give a green light for the con­struc­tion…