Tag: eagle valley clean energy

  • Biomass Energy Growing Pains

    Sev­er­al bio­mass pow­er facil­i­ties have come online over the last few years in Col­orado, Texas, Wis­con­sin, Flori­da, and Hawaii, but not with­out dif­fi­cul­ties, includ­ing fires, inef­fi­cient equip­ment, law­suits, and com­pet­ing with the low price of nat­ur­al gas. Gyp­sum, Colorado Eagle Val­ley Clean Ener­gy, an 11.5‑megawatt bio­mass pow­er facil­i­ty in Gyp­sum, Col­orado start­ed oper­at­ing in Decem­ber 2013,…

  • Beetle-Kill Fuels Bioenergy

    - by Kel­ly Hat­ton, July 17, 2014, West­ern Confluence On a morn­ing in ear­ly March, I ride with Cody Neff, own­er of West Range Recla­ma­tion (WRR), in his truck from Frisco, Col­orado, to the company’s near­by work­site in the White Riv­er Nation­al For­est. Light is just start­ing to reach over the high snow-cov­ered slopes sur­round­ing Frisco, but Neff…