Tag: drought

  • Energy’s Water Footprint

    - by Mike Ewall, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network In 2005, ther­mo­elec­tric pow­er plants (nuclear, coal, oil, gas and trash/biomass incin­er­a­tors) were respon­si­ble for 41% of all fresh­wa­ter with­drawals and 49% of total water with­drawals (includ­ing oceans and brack­ish waters) in the U.S. Much of this water (main­ly used for cool­ing) is returned to local water bod­ies, but at a high­er…

  • AUDIO: Energy’s Water Footprint in the Western Drought

    Drought in the west­ern U.S. is in the news every day, yet most media cov­er­age ignores the impact from water with­drawals for indus­tri­al pow­er facil­i­ties. While munic­i­pal and agri­cul­tur­al use are major drains on lim­it­ed water resources, so too are bio­mass, coal, nat­ur­al gas, and nuclear pow­er facilities.  On August 20, EJN spoke with Sta­cy Tellinghuisen,…