Tag: colorado

  • Biomass Energy Growing Pains

    Sev­er­al bio­mass pow­er facil­i­ties have come online over the last few years in Col­orado, Texas, Wis­con­sin, Flori­da, and Hawaii, but not with­out dif­fi­cul­ties, includ­ing fires, inef­fi­cient equip­ment, law­suits, and com­pet­ing with the low price of nat­ur­al gas. Gyp­sum, Colorado Eagle Val­ley Clean Ener­gy, an 11.5‑megawatt bio­mass pow­er facil­i­ty in Gyp­sum, Col­orado start­ed oper­at­ing in Decem­ber 2013,…

  • Gypsum, CO Biomass Incinerator Still Off-Line After December Fire

    - by Scott Miller, March 22, 2015, Post Inde­pen­dent A plant that gen­er­ates elec­tric­i­ty by burn­ing bee­tle-killed wood had only been oper­at­ing for a few months when a Decem­ber fire bad­ly dam­aged the facility’s con­vey­or sys­tem. The plant has been closed since, and will prob­a­bly remain closed until summer. The plant, built by Pro­vo, Utah-based Eagle…

  • 2014 Farm Bill Logs National Forests for Bioenergy

    - Decem­ber 17, 2014, U.S. Depart­ment of Agriculture Agri­cul­ture Sec­re­tary Tom Vil­sack today announced that more than 200,000 tons of bio­mass were removed from fed­er­al lands through the Bio­mass Crop Assis­tance Pro­gram (BCAP). BCAP, reau­tho­rized by the 2014 Farm Bill, pro­vid­ed incen­tives for the removal of dead or dis­eased trees from Nation­al Forests and Bureau of…

  • Is Biomass All It’s Cut Up to Be?

    - by Howard Brown, Octo­ber 17, 2014, Sum­mit Daily One pos­si­ble rea­son for stick­ing to the ill-advised Ophir Moun­tain and oth­er clear-cut­ting plans is that the clear-cut trees would go to the bio­mass pow­er plant in Gyp­sum. Bio­mass pow­er is renew­able ener­gy. It wouldn’t jus­ti­fy destroy­ing Sum­mit County’s won­der­ful forests and trails, but bio­mass is green ener­gy…

  • Amid Oil and Gas Boom, Colorado Continues Role as Earthquake Lab

    - by Kevin Simp­son, August  31, 2014,  The Den­ver Post From the liv­ing room chair where he sat read­ing around half past 9 on a May evening, Ron Bak­er heard the boom and felt his cen­tu­ry-old Gree­ley farm­house shud­der, send­ing a menagerie of plas­tic hors­es top­pling from a bed­room shelf. He stepped out the back door and…

  • Beetle-Kill Fuels Bioenergy

    - by Kel­ly Hat­ton, July 17, 2014, West­ern Confluence On a morn­ing in ear­ly March, I ride with Cody Neff, own­er of West Range Recla­ma­tion (WRR), in his truck from Frisco, Col­orado, to the company’s near­by work­site in the White Riv­er Nation­al For­est. Light is just start­ing to reach over the high snow-cov­ered slopes sur­round­ing Frisco, but Neff…

  • From Beetle Kill to Biomass

    [More indus­try pro­pa­gan­da than a news arti­cle, but it demon­strates the bio­mass indus­try’s  lust for Nation­al Forests to feed their dirty incin­er­a­tors. ‑Ed.] - by Ruth Hei­de, July 22, 2014, Val­ley Courier There’s a dif­fer­ent kind of “gold” in “them thar hills.” It’s in the trees themselves. Cor­rect­ly har­vest­ed, the bee­tle kill tim­ber that exists on pub­lic…

  • Behind the Colorado Fracking Betrayal

    - by Joel Dyer, August 7, 2014, Boul­der Weekly So what went wrong with bal­lot mea­sures 88 and 89? How could these pop­u­lar citizen’s ini­tia­tives writ­ten to give local com­mu­ni­ties more con­trol over drilling and frack­ing in their neigh­bor­hoods have failed to get on the ballot? Well, the first mis­take Col­orado cit­i­zens made was they trust­ed…

  • Cutting the Trees We Need to Save the Forest

    -  by Bob Berwyn, July 7, 2014, The Col­orado Independent Even here, in a cool for­est hol­low near Ten­mile Creek, you can feel the tom-toms. It’s a dis­tant beat, born in the mar­bled halls of Con­gress, where polit­i­cal forces blow an ill wind across Colorado’s forests. Near­ly every West­ern elect­ed offi­cial with a clump of shrub­by…

  • 220,000 acres of Colorado’s White River National Forest to be Logged for Biomass Energy

    Demand for bio­mass ener­gy in Col­orado will require log­ging in 220,000 acres of the White Riv­er Nation­al For­est. ‑Ed. - by Allen Best, March 6, 2014. Source: Moun­tain Town News For most of the last decade, Col­oradans have been talk­ing about how to make good use of their moun­tain forests, dying and gray. Some­thing is final­ly happening.…