Tag: clean energy

  • Why We Must Fight Gas-fired Power Plants

    - by Mike Ewall, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network The Ban Ki Moon U.N. Cli­mate Sum­mit is short­ly com­ing to New York City. As we march and teach work­shops at cli­mate con­ver­gences, the media is like­ly to focus on the sto­ry of the Oba­ma administration’s “Clean Pow­er Plan” mov­ing us away from coal in order to mit­i­gate cli­mate change. The sto­ry won’t be told…

  • Biomass Burning Kills 250,000 People a Year

    -  by Jo Nova, August 5, 2014, JoanneNova.com.au The head­line at Sci­ence Dai­ly is that wild­fires and oth­er burns lead to cli­mate change. The paper itself asks: “As such, par­ti­cle burn-off of clouds may be a major under­rec­og­nized source of glob­al warm­ing.” For me what mat­ters are the deaths in the here and now: “We cal­cu­late that 5 to…

  • Residents Voice New Concerns on Gainesville, FL Biomass Incinerator

    -  by Mor­gan Watkins, August 5, 2014, Gainesville Sun Local res­i­dents wor­ried about the bio­mass plant showed up Tues­day evening for a pub­lic meet­ing on its draft Title V air oper­a­tion per­mit, which could be approved this fall, to make their con­cerns known. Folks milled around the Hall of Heroes Com­mu­ni­ty Room at the Gainesville Police Depart­ment…

  • Residents Voice New Concerns on Gainesville, FL Biomass Incinerator

    -  by Mor­gan Watkins, August 5, 2014, Gainesville Sun Local res­i­dents wor­ried about the bio­mass plant showed up Tues­day evening for a pub­lic meet­ing on its draft Title V air oper­a­tion per­mit, which could be approved this fall, to make their con­cerns known. Folks milled around the Hall of Heroes Com­mu­ni­ty Room at the Gainesville Police Depart­ment…

  • More Logging and Biomass Burning Won’t Solve Job Woes

    -  by Rob Handy, July 6, 2014, Reg­is­ter Guard Dur­ing my tenure as a Lane Coun­ty com­mis­sion­er, I watched Lane County’s tim­ber har­vest rise from 337 mil­lion board feet in 2009 to 590 mil­lion board feet in 2012, report­ed con­cise­ly by the state Depart­ment of Forestry. In spite of this huge surge, a 75 per­cent increase, I…

  • Wood Stoves a Major Contributor to “Unhealthy” Air Days in Clallam County, WA

    Read The Bio­mass Mon­i­tor’s cov­er­age of the sto­ry behind these air pol­lu­tion tests: “Track­ing Bio­mass Air Pol­lu­tion on the Olympic Penin­su­la”  -  by Arwyn Rice, July 14, 2014, Penin­su­la Dai­ly News   PORT ANGELES — Air qual­i­ty in cen­tral and east­ern Clal­lam Coun­ty is gen­er­al­ly good, but wood burn­ing for home heat­ing and trans­porta­tion-relat­ed pol­lu­tants are con­tribut­ing to occa­sion­al “unhealthy”…

  • Council Concerned Over Reports of Land Contamination from Oklahoma Incinerator

    -  by Josh New­town, April 23, 2014, Tahle­quah Dai­ly Press TAHLEQUAH — Nego­ti­a­tions involv­ing the pur­chase of near­ly 20 homes on 7 acres of land near Basin Avenue hit a snag Mon­day night when con­cerns sur­faced over poten­tial con­t­a­m­i­na­tion of the area. Tahle­quah May­or Jason Nichols had pro­posed the city pur­chase the homes and duplex­es as a large…

  • Group Calls for Probe of Nova Scotia Biomass Logging

    [The for­est foot­print for a bio­mass incin­er­a­tor is mas­sive. Will be inter­est­ing to see if any probe is done in regards to this facil­i­ty. ‑Ed.] -  by Erin Pot­tie, June 27, 2014, Cape Bre­ton Bureau A Cape Bre­ton envi­ron­men­tal group is call­ing for an emer­gency review of har­vest­ing prac­tices at Nova Sco­tia Power’s bio­mass plant in…

  • Biomass Industry Lashes Out at Solar Subsidies

    [The heav­i­ly-sub­si­dized, pol­lut­ing bio­mass ener­gy indus­try cries foul over get­ting a small­er slice of the tax­pay­er pie than smoke­stack-free solar ener­gy in Cal­i­for­nia. ‑Ed.]  -  by Bon­ner R. Cohen, July 15, 2014, Heart­land The Cal­i­for­nia Wind Ener­gy Asso­ci­a­tion and oth­er renew­able ener­gy groups crit­i­cized a new law extend­ing spe­cial tax breaks to the Cal­i­for­nia solar pow­er…

  • Massachusetts Grants Millions to Biomass Industry

    [Mil­lions of tax­pay­er dol­lars go to pol­lut­ing bio­mass incin­er­a­tion under the guise of “clean” ener­gy. ‑Ed.] -  by Anna Simet, June 5, 2014, Bio­mass Magazine Mass­a­chu­setts has ded­i­cat­ed $3.5 mil­lion to nine renew­able ther­mal projects in the state through a new grant pro­gram, the Mass­a­chu­setts Renew­able Ther­mal Busi­ness Invest­ment Financ­ing Program. Funds for the pro­gram are…