Tag: china

  • Chinese Incinerator Plan Cancelled After Thousands Join Protests

    - by Mimi Lau, April 9, 2015, South Chi­na Morn­ing Post A west­ern Guang­dong city has can­celled a plan to build an incin­er­a­tor that prompt­ed a protest — of up to 10,000 peo­ple on some accounts — dur­ing which three police cars were flipped and a duty office vandalised. Luod­ing city gov­ern­ment post­ed two let­ters on its…

  • New Contract to Accelerate Use of Biomass in China

    - Octo­ber 13, 2014, Bioen­er­gy News US-based renew­able fuels pro­duc­er Blue­Fire Renew­ables has finalised and signed a new mas­ter engi­neer­ing, pro­cure­ment and con­struc­tion (EPC) con­tract for its cel­lu­losic ethanol plant in Ful­ton, Mississippi. The con­tract is with Chi­na Inter­na­tion­al Water and Elec­tric, a sub­sidiary of renew­able ener­gy com­pa­ny Chi­na Three Gorges (CTG). ‘The mas­ter EPC struc­ture will…