Tag: chester

  • College Trash Habits Cause Concern, as Does Incinerator in Chester

    - by Bob­by Zipp, Novem­ber 20, 2014,  Swarth­more Phoenix Two weeks ago, a group of the Green Advi­sors con­duct­ed a waste audit of Kohlberg Hall and the Sci­ence Cen­ter. The pur­pose of the annu­al audit is to cre­ate a visu­al rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the amount of waste pro­duced by those build­ings and test how well the…

  • Chester, PA Residents Air Concerns over Covanta Trash Incineration Plan

    UPDATE: despite strong orga­niz­ing efforts, an out­pour­ing of com­mu­ni­ty oppo­si­tion and strong research we’ve com­piled to show how awful this plan is, city coun­cil vot­ed unan­i­mous­ly on Aug 13th to approve Cov­an­ta’s plan that allows 30 years of New York City waste to be brought by train to Chester for incin­er­a­tion.  In fact, it’ll go…