Tag: cellulosic

  • $181,000 Fine for Ethanol Air Pollution in Albany, NY

    - by Bri­an Near­ing, Decem­ber 12, 2014, Times Union An oil ter­mi­nal oper­a­tor at the Port of Albany has been hit with a $181,000 penal­ty by the state Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal Con­ser­va­tion for air pol­lu­tion vio­la­tions that last­ed near­ly a year. Buck­eye Part­ners failed to prop­er­ly con­trol vapor emis­sions from ethanol — a corn-based bio­fu­el used as a gaso­line…

  • Tampa Man Sentenced for $3 Million Biofuels Fraud

    - by Susan Sal­is­bury, Decem­ber 9, 2014, Palm Beach Post     A Tam­pa man was sen­tenced today on charges he scammed investors out of more than $3 mil­lion after promis­ing returns on bio-ener­gy crops such as cameli­na that were not even planted William A. Vas­den Jr. who once head­ed the Flori­da Feed­stock Grow­ers Asso­ci­a­tion, was sen­tenced…

  • Ethanol, Fighting for Its Life, Gets a Temporary Reprieve

    - by Matthew Philips, Novem­ber 24, 2014, Bloomberg Busi­ness­week The ethanol indus­try just avoid­ed a death blow. Rather than decid­ing to per­ma­nent­ly low­er the amount of renew­able fuels that have to be blend­ed into the U.S. gaso­line sup­ply, as it first pro­posed a year ago, the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency last week opt­ed to wait until next year to decide.…

  • Tanker Truck Collapses, Spills Ethanol in Kenilworth, NJ

    - by Katie Lan­nan, Novem­ber 19, 2014,  NJ.com Fire­fight­ers called to the scene of what was orig­i­nal­ly described to them as a “small spill” Wednes­day after­noon instead found 500 gal­lons of ethanol that had leaked out of a col­lapsed tanker truck. The truck, car­ry­ing 7,000 gal­lons of ethanol, split as it was offload­ing its con­tents…

  • Biofuel Company Files for Bankruptcy

    - by Katie Fehren­bach­er, Novem­ber 11, 2014, Gigaom.com Bio­fu­el com­pa­ny KiOR, which has become a sym­bol of the dif­fi­cul­ties of ven­ture cap­i­tal­ists invest­ing in clean tech­nol­o­gy star­tups, final­ly filed for bank­rupt­cy this week, many months after shut­ting down its bio­fu­el plant and oper­at­ing on fumes, unable to pay its debts. Many, includ­ing myself, have been pre­dict­ing this for awhile…

  • Indiana Ethanol Facility Fined $9,600 for Clean Air Act Violations

    - by Seth Slabaugh, Novem­ber 11, 2014, The Star Press Car­di­nal Ethanol has paid a $9,600 fine to set­tle a com­plaint that it vio­lat­ed its Clean Air Act oper­at­ing permit. The penal­ty is insignif­i­cant in light of the grass­roots, investor-owned com­pa­ny’s prof­itabil­i­ty — $26.4 mil­lion net income for the fis­cal year end­ed Sept. 30, 2013. Pres­i­dent Jeff Painter…

  • Is Cellulosic Ethanol All it’s Cracked Up to Be?

    - by Edward Dodge, Decem­ber 10, 2014, Break­ing Energy The EPA has long pro­mot­ed cel­lu­losic ethanol as the future of bio­fu­els, but tech­ni­cal chal­lenges have kept pro­duc­tion far below tar­gets. A recent rule change allows RNG, renew­able nat­ur­al gas, to qual­i­fy as cel­lu­losic bio­fu­el even though RNG is not cel­lu­losic, but this helps EPA appear to be meet­ing their goals.…

  • Subsidies and Mandates for Biofuel Don’t Provide Enough Stability?

    - by Nico­las Loris, May 16, 2014, Source: The Foundry With the Sen­ate con­sid­er­ing extend­ing a pack­age of tax cred­its that expired at the end of 2013, six Sen­a­tors have band­ed togeth­er to call on Con­gress to re-up the expired bio­fu­el credits. In par­tic­u­lar, tax cred­its of $1 per gal­lon pro­duced was offered for blend­ed diesel made…

  • The Height of Stupidity? Jet Fuel from Trees

    [Yet anoth­er bad idea fueled by the fan­ta­sy of infi­nite growth. ‑Ed.] - May 9, 2014,  Source: Phys Org A key chal­lenge in the bio­fu­els land­scape is to get more advanced biofuels—fuels oth­er than corn ethanol and veg­etable oil-based biodiesel—into the trans­porta­tion pool. Uti­liza­tion of advanced bio­fu­els is stip­u­lat­ed by the Ener­gy Inde­pen­dence and Secu­ri­ty Act; how­ev­er,…

  • The Height of Stupidity? Jet Fuel from Trees

    [Yet anoth­er bad idea fueled by the fan­ta­sy of infi­nite growth. ‑Ed.] - May 9, 2014,  Source: Phys Org A key chal­lenge in the bio­fu­els land­scape is to get more advanced biofuels—fuels oth­er than corn ethanol and veg­etable oil-based biodiesel—into the trans­porta­tion pool. Uti­liza­tion of advanced bio­fu­els is stip­u­lat­ed by the Ener­gy Inde­pen­dence and Secu­ri­ty Act; how­ev­er,…