Tag: bioenergy

  • UK Biomass Project Halted, Developer Blames “erosion of support” for Biomass

    UK bio­mass project halt­ed, devel­op­er blames “ero­sion of sup­port” for biomass – by Nina Chest­ney, March 7, 2014. Source: Reuters Renew­able ener­gy devel­op­er RES has stopped a 300-mil­lion-pound ($500 mil­lion) project to build a bio­mass plant in Northum­ber­land, north­east Eng­land, due to what it called incon­sis­tent gov­ern­ment subsidies. The 100-megawatt (MW) plant was sched­uled to be…

  • New Law Will Make Biomass Heating Cheaper in Massachusetts

    - by Shi­ra Schoen­berg, Decem­ber 1, 2014, Mass Live A new law that goes into effect in Jan­u­ary will make it cheap­er to use renew­able ener­gy to heat a home – and could pro­vide a boost to the wood indus­try in rur­al parts of West­ern Massachusetts. “This is going to help (renew­able) tech­nolo­gies com­pete with and…

  • Commercial Use of Wood Energy is Heating Up

    - by Michael Mccord, Novem­ber 26, 2014, New Hamp­shire Busi­ness Review New Hampshire’s recent­ly released 10-year ener­gy strat­e­gy acknowl­edged an ongo­ing fact of life for the state’s com­mer­cial and res­i­den­tial sec­tors: New Hamp­shire imports 100 per­cent of its fos­sil fuels and nat­ur­al gas. Accord­ing to the NH Wood Ener­gy Coun­cil, New Hamp­shire pays more than $1…

  • When Zero Waste is Environmental Racism

    - by Kaya Ban­ton, Chester Envi­ron­men­tal Justice My name is Kaya Ban­ton and I have been a res­i­dent of Chester, Penn­syl­va­nia all of my life.  Chester is a small city right out­side of Philadel­phia known as one of the worst cas­es of envi­ron­men­tal racism. There are a num­ber of pol­lut­ing facil­i­ties in and sur­round­ing Chester.…