Tag: bioenergy

  • Bioenergy Corporation to Cut and Burn Public Forests in Washington

    - by Kate Prenga­man, Octo­ber 29, 2014 Yaki­ma Herald-Republic Sci­en­tists are search­ing for the fuels of the future in high-tech lab­o­ra­to­ries around the world, but last week one research team debuted its new tech­nol­o­gy at a wood-chip­ping plant tucked in the for­est out­side Cle Elum. That’s because their tech­nol­o­gy runs on wood chips. Roast­ing the wood, which might…

  • Vermont: The Little State that Could?

    - by Rachel Smolk­er, Biofuelwatch nosag­bigsign I am for­tu­nate to live in the tiny state of Ver­mont, a state that has bold­ly led the way on so many issues it’s hard to list them all. We were the first to pass same-sex mar­riage and to take seri­ous steps to make health care acces­si­ble to all.…

  • Are Dirty Energy Opponents NIMBY? Proving Industry Wrong

    It’s typ­i­cal for ener­gy devel­op­ers fac­ing com­mu­ni­ty resis­tance to pro­posed facil­i­ties to try to dis­cred­it oppo­nents by call­ing them NIMBY (Not in My Back­yard), steer­ing the argu­ment away from health and envi­ron­men­tal impacts to sim­ply one of aes­thet­ics. Cor­po­rate prof­i­teers argue that local oppo­si­tion doesn’t have a prob­lem with a giv­en ener­gy tech­nol­o­gy itself — so long…

  • EPA Proposal Classifies Wood Fuel from Construction, Demolition

    [Bio­mass indus­try push­ing for even less reg­u­la­tion of their dirt­i­est fuel source. ‑Ed.] - by Erin Voegele, March 27, 2014. Source: Bio­mass Magazine Bio­mass industry On March 27, the U.S. EPA released a pro­posed rule to amend its Non-Haz­ardous Sec­ondary Mate­ri­als reg­u­la­tion under the Resource Con­ser­va­tion and Recov­ery Act. The NHSM rule was final­ized in Feb­ru­ary…

  • Nippon Temporarily Shut Down Because of Biomass Fuel Problems at Power Plant

    - by Paul Got­tlieb, Feb­ru­ary 27, 2014. Source: Penin­su­la Dai­ly News PORT ANGELES — Fuel-sys­tem prob­lems with Nip­pon Paper Indus­tries USA’s new­ly expand­ed bio­mass cogen­er­a­tion plant have caused a two-week shut­down of the mill, accord­ing to a union official. Dar­rel Reetz, vice pres­i­dent of the Asso­ci­a­tion of West­ern Pulp & Paper Work­ers Local 155, said Thurs­day he…

  • Biomass Industry Needs to Prepare for Water Constraints

    - by Phil Cicio­ra, March 5, 2014. Source: Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois News Office Debates sur­round­ing the sus­tain­abil­i­ty of bioen­er­gy have emerged in recent years relat­ing to water qual­i­ty and quan­ti­ty, and those debates will only grow loud­er as big urban areas in the U.S. start run­ning out of water and envi­ron­men­tal groups and the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion…

  • Biofuel Producer Warns of Default, Bankruptcy

    - by Christo­pher Mar­tin, March 18, 2014. Source: Bloomberg Busi­ness­week [Read more about Khosla: Cel­lu­losic Ethanol: A Bio-Fool’s Errand ‑Ed.] Kior Inc. (KIOR:US), the Vin­od Khosla-backed oper­a­tor of the first U.S. com­mer­cial-scale cel­lu­losic bio­fu­el plant, fell the most on record after man­age­ment told reg­u­la­tors they have seri­ous doubts about stay­ing in business. Kior declined 41 per­cent to 63 cents…

  • Genetically Engineered Trees as Biofuel Feedstock

    [Now that corn ethanol has fall­en out of favor polit­i­cal­ly, the bioen­er­gy indus­try will be focus­ing more and more on forests.] - by Alex Mara­gos, Novem­ber 28, 2014, WLFI Ethanol made from corn already pow­ers mil­lions of cars and trucks on the road, but a group of researchers at Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty wants to make bio­fu­el bet­ter.…

  • UK Biomass Project Halted, Developer Blames “erosion of support” for Biomass

    UK bio­mass project halt­ed, devel­op­er blames “ero­sion of sup­port” for biomass – by Nina Chest­ney, March 7, 2014. Source: Reuters Renew­able ener­gy devel­op­er RES has stopped a 300-mil­lion-pound ($500 mil­lion) project to build a bio­mass plant in Northum­ber­land, north­east Eng­land, due to what it called incon­sis­tent gov­ern­ment subsidies. The 100-megawatt (MW) plant was sched­uled to be…

  • Fanning the Northeastern Biomass Flame

    [The bio­mass indus­try is team­ing up with envi­ron­men­tal­ists to increase the amount of forests burned for pol­lut­ing ener­gy in the Great North Woods.] Fan­ning the North­east­ern Bio­mass Flame - by Joseph Sey­mour, March 11, 2014. Source: Bio­mass Magazine Migrat­ing 1 mil­lion homes to bio­mass heat is optimistic—let alone 6 million—but recent devel­op­ments in the north­east­ern U.S. are dri­ving…