Tag: bioenergy

  • Natural Gas + Ethanol = Explosion

    - by Lar­ry Phillips, June 30, 2014, Leader and Times academized.com Leader & Times Online Fire­fight­ers respond­ed to an explo­sion Sun­day evening at Con­esto­ga Energy’s Arkalon Ethanol Plant. For­tu­nate­ly, no one was injured from the blast or sub­se­quent fire, accord­ing to Seward Coun­ty Fire Chief Mike Rice. “We got the page at 7:04 p.m. (Sun­day) about a pos­si­ble…

  • On Biomass, EPA Should Follow the Science

    Oth­er than the author’s sup­port for so-called “sus­tain­able” bio­mass, over­all a decent piece. — Josh - by William H. Schlesinger, June 18, 2014, The Hill In America’s South­east­ern states, there’s a boom­ing ener­gy trend that’s as big a step back­ward as imaginable. In fact, it stretch­es back to the time of cave­men. Pow­er com­pa­nies are burn­ing trees…

  • Why Solidarity is Needed More than Ever between Coal, Gas and Incinerator Fighters

    - by Mike Ewall, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network Most progress in stop­ping pol­lut­ing ener­gy and waste indus­tries is accom­plished by grass­roots activism, stop­ping one project at a time. Many assume that grass­roots groups are “NIMBY” types just push­ing pol­luters from one com­mu­ni­ty to anoth­er. How­ev­er, 50% to 95% of each wave of indus­tri­al devel­op­ment in recent decades has…

  • Half the Wood for New Hampshire Biomass Incinerator from Out of State

    - by Chris Jensen, May 23, 2014, New Hamp­shire Pub­lic Radio About 51 per­cent of the wood pur­chased for the new Burgess BioPow­er bio­mass plant in Berlin dur­ing its first two months of oper­a­tion came from New Hamp­shire, accord­ing to a new “sus­tain­abil­i­ty” report filed with the state’s Site Eval­u­a­tion Committee. Thir­ty-five per­cent came from Maine. Five per­cent from Vermont.…

  • Dirty Wood-Heaters

    - by Dr. Dorothy Robin­son, Woodsmoke.3sc.net  The most health-haz­ardous air pol­lu­tant is PM2.5 (tiny par­ti­cles less than 2.5 mil­lionth of a metre in diam­e­ter) that cause 10 to 20 times as many pre­ma­ture deaths as the next worst pol­lu­tant (ozone).   PM2.5 pen­e­trate the deep­est recess­es of our lungs.  As well as caus­ing lung dis­ease, PM2.5…

  • Biomass Growth Capacity Drops in US

    - May 27, 2014, Bioen­er­gy Insight Five new bio­mass plants with a total gen­er­a­tion capac­i­ty of 10MW came online in the US last month, accord­ing to the Ener­gy Infra­struc­ture Update for April, pub­lished by the Fed­er­al Ener­gy Reg­u­la­to­ry Com­mis­sion (FERC). Since the start of 2014, 12 bio­mass-fired facil­i­ties pro­duc­ing a total 20MW of renew­able ener­gy have…

  • Couple Suing Iowa Ethanol Plant

    - May 21, 2014, WhoTV.com   localtvwhotv.wordpress.com A Neva­da cou­ple is suing a cel­lu­losic ethanol plant after a fire threat­ened their home. Ernest and Bar­bara Clark are suing DuPont Danisco. They are claim­ing the com­pa­ny has act­ed reck­less­ly and care­less­ly in stor­ing the high­ly com­bustible corn stover across from their home. On March 31st, at least eight of the…

  • Subsidies and Mandates for Biofuel Don’t Provide Enough Stability?

    - by Nico­las Loris, May 16, 2014, Source: The Foundry With the Sen­ate con­sid­er­ing extend­ing a pack­age of tax cred­its that expired at the end of 2013, six Sen­a­tors have band­ed togeth­er to call on Con­gress to re-up the expired bio­fu­el credits. In par­tic­u­lar, tax cred­its of $1 per gal­lon pro­duced was offered for blend­ed diesel made…

  • Biomass Energy Drives Wood Shortage in Nova Scotia

    -  Rachel Brighton, Octo­ber 10, 2014, The Chron­i­cle Herald [More evi­dence of bio­mass ener­gy com­pet­ing for lim­it­ed wood source.] Open­ing up long-term access to west­ern Crown lands will relieve some of the pres­sure that has been build­ing in the forestry sec­tor this year. This week the province announced that 16 sawmills and man­u­fac­tur­ers had been grant­ed 10-year…

  • Bioenergy Pipelines?

    - August 14, 2014, Waste Man­age­ment World [The lat­est bad idea com­ing out of the pol­lut­ing bioen­er­gy industry.] A sci­en­tist at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Alber­ta, Cana­da is research to deter­mine whether it’s effec­tive to use pipelines to trans­port agri­cul­tur­al waste used in biofuels. Accord­ing to the uni­ver­si­ty, Mah­di Vaezi, a PhD stu­dent in the Fac­ul­ty of Engi­neer­ing, is…