Tag: asthma

  • $355,375 Grant to Install Biomass Heating in Massachusetts Elementary Schools

    - Mass­a­chu­setts Exec­u­tive Office of Ener­gy and Envi­ron­men­tal Affairs, May 5, 2015, Bio­mass Magazine The admin­is­tra­tion of Mass­a­chu­setts Gov. Char­lie Bak­er and Lt. Gov. Karyn Poli­to has announced grant fund­ing for Heath Ele­men­tary School in Heath and the Hawle­mont Ele­men­tary School in Charlemont to con­vert to high­ly effi­cient bio­mass boil­ers from their exist­ing oil heat­ing sys­tems.…

  • Dirty Wood-Heaters

    - by Dr. Dorothy Robin­son, Woodsmoke.3sc.net  The most health-haz­ardous air pol­lu­tant is PM2.5 (tiny par­ti­cles less than 2.5 mil­lionth of a metre in diam­e­ter) that cause 10 to 20 times as many pre­ma­ture deaths as the next worst pol­lu­tant (ozone).   PM2.5 pen­e­trate the deep­est recess­es of our lungs.  As well as caus­ing lung dis­ease, PM2.5…

  • A Victim of Woodsmoke Pollution

    - by Shirley Brandie, WoodBurnerSmoke.net In 2000, we bought a home to enjoy our retire­ment in. It was per­fect for us! Every­thing on one floor, a sur­round­ing deck, and a large expanse of lawn. Lit­tle did we know that, in 2002, our lives would be changed dra­mat­i­cal­ly! Begin­ning in 2002, our home became sur­round­ed and infil­trat­ed…