Tag: air pollution

  • Waste Done Right

    - by Ruth Tyson, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network In 2012, Amer­i­cans dis­posed of 251 mil­lion tons of trash, accord­ing to the U.S. Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency (EPA). The Sto­ry of Stuff Project neat­ly lays out the way mate­ri­als move through our econ­o­my from extrac­tion to pro­duc­tion, dis­tri­b­u­tion, con­sump­tion, and dis­pos­al. Most con­sumers don’t think beyond the “con­sump­tion”…

  • How To Reduce Premature Deaths Linked to Environmental Risks

    [Phas­ing out com­bus­tion-based ener­gy such as fos­sil fuels and bio­mass ener­gy can save lives] – by Nan­cy C. Loeb and Juli­et S. Sorensen, April 8, 2016, Truthout Mil­lions of deaths around the world are pre­ventable every year with­out any addi­tion­al spend­ing on research for treat­ment. And the cause has noth­ing to do with gun vio­lence or war. Accord­ing…

  • Doctor’s Orders: Wood Burning Hazardous to Your Health

    - by Dr. Bri­an Moench, Utah Physi­cians for a Healthy Environment Civ­i­liza­tion orches­trates the curb­ing of one person’s free­doms for the pro­tec­tion of oth­ers and the greater good. When two people’s free­doms are mutu­al­ly exclu­sive, civ­i­liza­tion embraces the con­cept that the free­dom to not be harmed by oth­ers takes prece­dence. Traf­fic laws, zon­ing ordi­nances, and…

  • $355,375 Grant to Install Biomass Heating in Massachusetts Elementary Schools

    - Mass­a­chu­setts Exec­u­tive Office of Ener­gy and Envi­ron­men­tal Affairs, May 5, 2015, Bio­mass Magazine The admin­is­tra­tion of Mass­a­chu­setts Gov. Char­lie Bak­er and Lt. Gov. Karyn Poli­to has announced grant fund­ing for Heath Ele­men­tary School in Heath and the Hawle­mont Ele­men­tary School in Charlemont to con­vert to high­ly effi­cient bio­mass boil­ers from their exist­ing oil heat­ing sys­tems.…

  • RWE Drops Biomass Power, Adds Biomass Thermal, Wind

    - by Anna Simet, March 12, 2015, Bio­mass Magazine While RWE Group report­ed it achieved its earn­ings tar­gets for 2014 and EBITDA was sig­nif­i­cant­ly bet­ter than planned, low elec­tric­i­ty prices and unusu­al­ly mild weath­er neg­a­tive­ly affect­ed busi­ness per­for­mance, which dropped 25 per­cent from 2013 to 2014. Peter Teri­um, CEO of RWE, said that cur­rent­ly, 35 to 45 per­cent…

  • RWE Drops Biomass Power, Adds Biomass Thermal, Wind

    - by Anna Simet, March 12, 2015, Bio­mass Magazine While RWE Group report­ed it achieved its earn­ings tar­gets for 2014 and EBITDA was sig­nif­i­cant­ly bet­ter than planned, low elec­tric­i­ty prices and unusu­al­ly mild weath­er neg­a­tive­ly affect­ed busi­ness per­for­mance, which dropped 25 per­cent from 2013 to 2014. Peter Teri­um, CEO of RWE, said that cur­rent­ly, 35 to 45 per­cent…

  • Firing Up Hawaiian Biomass Facility

    - by Chris D’Angelo, Feb­ru­ary 11, 2015, The Gar­den Island Green Ener­gy Team, LLC’s $90 mil­lion bio­mass-to-ener­gy facil­i­ty in Koloa is now hot. “They lit the boil­er and have start­ed mak­ing steam,” said Kauai Island Util­i­ty Coop­er­a­tive spokesman Jim Kel­ly, who is han­dling press inquiries for GET. “For the next prob­a­bly three to four weeks, they’re going…

  • Contaminated Love Canal Soil Going to Nebraska Incinerator

    - by Richard Pier­sol, March 1, 2015, Lin­coln Jour­nal Star About a thou­sand tons of con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed soil from the noto­ri­ous Love Canal envi­ron­men­tal dis­as­ter in New York is being shipped by rail to Kim­ball for incin­er­a­tion because the com­pa­ny that is dis­pos­ing of it ran into objec­tions from Cana­di­ans, who did­n’t want it. Love Canal, a neigh­bor­hood in…

  • U.S. Added 254 Megawatts of Biomass Energy in 2014

    - by Erin Voegele, Feb­ru­ary 6, 2015 Bio­mass Magazine The Fed­er­al Ener­gy Reg­u­la­to­ry Commission’s Office of Ener­gy Projects has released the Decem­ber edi­tion of its Ener­gy Infra­struc­ture Update, report­ing the U.S. added 254 MW of bio­mass ener­gy capac­i­ty last year. In Decem­ber, the U.S. added five bio­mass gen­er­at­ing units with a com­bined capac­i­ty of 23 MW. Dur­ing…

  • Zero Waste to Landfill: How Incinerators Get Promoted

    - by Car­o­line Eader The incin­er­a­tor indus­try pro­motes a false belief that the only choic­es we have in han­dling our waste is to either burn it for ener­gy or to bury it in a land­fill. The exis­tence of what is known as a “waste-to-ener­gy” (WTE) facil­i­ty does not elim­i­nate the need for a land­fill. First, 10%…