Tag: agriculture

  • More California Biomass Facilities Closing

    - by Seth Nide­v­er, March 26, 2015, Han­ford Sentinel [Notice not a sin­gle men­tion of health and envi­ron­men­tal impacts of bio­mass facil­i­ties. ‑Josh]  Once upon a time, local orchard farm­ers tak­ing out trees piled them up in large heaps and struck a match, send­ing huge plumes of smoke into the air. More recent­ly, the waste has gone…

  • E.U. Agroenergy Policy: A Foreseeable Disaster

    E.U. Agroen­er­gy Pol­i­cy: A Fore­see­able Disaster In a mis­guid­ed attempt to alleged­ly tack­le run­away cli­mate change, the Euro­pean Union (E.U.) is imple­ment­ing pol­i­cy that would increase car­bon diox­ide emis­sions, dis­place native peo­ples, threat­en pub­lic health, and degrade forests and watersheds. A new report, A Fore­see­able Dis­as­ter: The Euro­pean Union’s agroen­er­gy poli­cies and the glob­al land and water grab,…