Plainfield, Connecticut Biomass Facility Changes Hands Again

- by Bri­an Dowl­ing, March 25, 2015, Hart­ford Courant

Lei­dos Inc. is sell­ing its Plain­field wood-fired pow­er plant to Green­leaf Pow­er, a Sacra­men­to com­pa­ny that is buy­ing bio­mass plants across North America.

Green­leaf Pow­er announced Wednes­day it has agreed to buy the 37.5‑megawatt pow­er plant in a deal it expects to close lat­er this year.

The com­pa­ny bought four Cal­i­for­nia bio­mass plants in 2010 and 2011 and a Cana­di­an plant in 2013. In a state­ment, Green­leaf Pres­i­dent Hugh Smith said, “Plain­field solid­i­fies Green­leaf Pow­er’s pres­ence through­out North Amer­i­ca as the lead­ing own­er-oper­a­tor of bio­mass pow­er facilities.”

He added, “This facil­i­ty holds tremen­dous promise and we look for­ward to work­ing close­ly with the Plain­field community.”

The Plain­field Renew­able Ener­gy plant incin­er­ates wood from con­struc­tion waste and oth­er sources that would oth­er­wise be open­ly burned or dumped in a land­fill, said Green­leaf, which is major­i­ty-owned and man­aged by Den­ham Cap­i­tal, a Boston pri­vate equi­ty firm.

The young bio­mass plant, a project ini­tial­ly val­ued at $225 mil­lion, has already shift­ed own­er­ship once.

In Octo­ber 2013, as the secured lender n the project, Lei­dos Hold­ings took the title to the plant from the ini­tial own­er, Eno­va Ener­gy Group, which failed to com­plete con­struc­tion on the facil­i­ty. Months lat­er, the bio­mass plant began pro­duc­ing pow­er and sell­ing it to Con­necti­cut Light & Pow­er under Con­necti­cut’s clean pow­er pro­gram known as Project 150.

But oper­a­tion of the plant proved dif­fi­cult for Lei­dos. The plant failed to be prof­itable for the com­pa­ny and suf­fered numer­ous shut­downs over the last year, accord­ing to Lei­dos. The plant report­ed $6 mil­lion in oper­at­ing loss­es in the fourth quar­ter of 2014.

“Clear­ly, the Plain­field project has had adverse impacts to our finan­cials,” Mark W. Sopp, Lei­dos’ chief finan­cial offi­cer, said Wednes­day in a con­fer­ence call with investors.

Sopp said Green­leaf Pow­er will pay Lei­dos $30 mil­lion in cash and pro­vide a secured note of about $80 mil­lion at clos­ing. Lei­dos sold the pow­er plant for $40 mil­lion less than what was list­ed on the com­pa­ny’s bal­ance sheet. But the com­pa­ny was glad to be done with it.

“While we are dis­ap­point­ed with the fur­ther impair­ment to the val­ue embed­ded in the sales price, we do believe for many rea­sons that accept­ing this offer was the best course of action for the com­pa­ny and our share­hold­ers,” Sopp said.




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