Summary of Studies on Emissions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Nitrous Oxide (N2O) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) from Waste Coal Fluidized Bed Combustors (FBCs)

FBC plants oper­ate at low­er tem­per­a­tures than con­ven­tion­al coal pow­er plants. [2,3,4,5] FBC plants use low oxy­gen (excess air) lev­els (to reduce NOx for­ma­tion). [2] Low oxy­gen lev­els and the low­er tem­per­a­ture range used by CFB plants increas­es emis­sions of car­bon monox­ide. [2] The low­er oper­at­ing tem­per­a­ture leads to far high­er emis­sions of nitrous oxide (N2O), as much of the nitro­gen that would oth­er­wise form nitro­gen oxides (NOx) get con­vert­ed to nitrous oxide, which is a potent glob­al warm­ing gas — caus­ing FBC boil­ers to emit 15% more green­house gas pol­lu­tion than con­ven­tion­al boil­ers. [2,7] High sul­fur and high chlo­rine lev­els are found in west­ern PA gob. [8]

Most poly­cyclic aro­mat­ic hydro­car­bons (PAHs) are known to cause can­cer in ani­mals and are sus­pect­ed to cause can­cer, birth defects and a wide vari­ety of oth­er health prob­lems in humans. A waste coal pow­er plant burn­ing west­ern Penn­syl­va­nia bitu­mi­nous waste coal (“gob”) using FBC tech­nol­o­gy is like­ly to release high­er lev­els of PAHs, for sev­er­al reasons:

  • Low­er oxy­gen lev­els used in FBC plants cause increased PAH emis­sions. [1,2,4,6]
  • Low­er tem­per­a­ture ranges used in FBC plants con­tribute to increased PAH emis­sions. [2,3,4,5]
  • Use of lime­stone injec­tion increas­es PAH emis­sions. [1,2]
  • High sul­fur and high chlo­rine lev­els in west­ern PA gob con­tribute to increas­es PAH emis­sions. [1]
  • Use of low-rank coal can increase PAH emis­sions [3,5]

At the low oxy­gen lev­els used in FBC plants, the PAHs will most­ly affect the local com­mu­ni­ty. [2] Low-rank coal PAH air emis­sions are far more tox­ic than high-rank coals. [3] More PAH emis­sions end up in the air than in the ash.[3,5]

PAHs are not sol­u­ble in water and don’t show up in leach tests. [3,4] FBC ash has high­er sur­face area than con­ven­tion­al coal pow­er plants (this means more leach­ing). [4]


[1] Kun­lei Liu, Wen­jun Han, Wei-Ping Pan and John T. Riley, “Poly­cyclic aro­mat­ic hydro­car­bon (PAH) emis­sions from a coal-fired pilot FBC sys­tem,” Jour­nal of Haz­ardous Mate­ri­als, Vol­ume 84, Issues 2–3, 29 June 2001, Pages 175–188.

[2] A. M. Mas­tral, M. S. Calln and T. Gar­cia, “Tox­ic organ­ic emis­sions from coal com­bus­tion,” Fuel Pro­cess­ing Tech­nol­o­gy, Vol­ume 67, Issue 1 , June 2000, Pages 1–10.

[3] M. Callen, E. Mara­non, A. Mas­tral, R. Muril­lo, P. Sal­ga­do and H. Sas­tre, “Eco­tox­i­co­log­i­cal Assess­ment of Ash­es and Par­tic­u­late Mat­ter from Flu­idized Bed Com­bus­tion of Coal,” Eco­tox­i­col­o­gy and Envi­ron­men­tal Safe­ty, Vol­ume 41, Issue 1, Sep­tem­ber 1998, Pages 59–61.

[4] Kun­lei Liu, Rebec­ca Helt­s­ley, Daozhong Zou, Wei-Ping Pan, and John T. Riley, “Pol­yaro­mat­ic Hydro­car­bon Emis­sions in Fly Ash­es from an Atmos­pher­ic Flu­idized Bed Com­bus­tor Using Ther­mal Extrac­tion Cou­pled with GC/TOF-MS,” Ener­gy & Fuels, 2002, 16(2), 330–337.

[5] Ana Mara Mas­tral, Marisol Calln and Ramn Muril­lo, “Assess­ment of PAH emis­sions as a func­tion of coal com­bus­tion vari­ables,” Fuel, Vol­ume 75, Issue 13, Octo­ber 1996, Pages 1533–1536.

[6] Mas­tral, A. M. ef al. DGMK Tagungs­ber, “Unwant­ed volatile organ­ic com­pounds (VOCs) from coal flu­idized bed com­bus­tion,” 1997, 9703, (Pro­ceed­ings ICCS ‘97, Vol­ume 2) 1087–1090. [see first abstract in the list]

[7] “Coal-Relat­ed Green­house Gas Man­age­ment Issues,” Nation­al Coal Coun­cil, May 2003, p7.

[8] 1999 Infor­ma­tion Col­lec­tion Request, U.S. Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency (data includes chlo­rine and sul­fur lev­els in coals and waste coals through­out he U.S.). Raw data avail­able here: Data shows that west­ern Penn­syl­va­nia gob has the sec­ond high­est chlo­rine lev­els of any coal or waste coal in the U.S. and sul­fur lev­els far above nation­al aver­ages for coal and waste coal and 21% above the sul­fur lev­els in west­ern PA bitu­mi­nous coal.





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