Obama’s New Year’s Resolution? More Fracking.

The 2014 US Cli­mate Action Report to the Unit­ed Nations is out. The offi­cial line from the White House is cel­e­brat­ing how the US is going to meet the 2009 Copen­hagen green­house gas emis­sions com­mit­ment. How­ev­er, we read the fine print and here is Barack Oba­ma’s frack­ing plan for elec­tric­i­ty gen­er­a­tion in 2020:

“Nat­ur­al gas-fired plants account for 44 per­cent of capac­i­ty addi­tions from 2012 through 2020 in the 2012 pol­i­cy base­line sce­nario,” from the report.

This is not a hap­py day if you live in the shale­fields, where we’ve always been just a sac­ri­fice zone for this pres­i­dent. Coal and nuclear gen­er­a­tion are also planned for an increase, not decrease. Here’s the link to the report. (PDF)

What’s your New Year’s resolution?

Alex Lotor­to is Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work’s Cam­pus and Com­mu­ni­ty Organizer





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