The Energy Bill Gets Worse

New York Times

Pub­lished: Sep­tem­ber 29, 2003

This coun­try needs a pur­pose­ful long-term ener­gy strat­e­gy that reduces its
depen­dence on for­eign oil and deals with cli­mate change and all the oth­er
air-qual­i­ty issues that are direct­ly relat­ed to the burn­ing of fos­sil fuels
like oil and coal. So how has Con­gress cho­sen to devel­op such a strat­e­gy?
By pass­ing two mediocre ener­gy bills and then hand­ing the task of
rec­on­cil­ing them to Sen­a­tor Pete Domeni­ci and Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Bil­ly Tauzin,
both reli­able allies of the fos­sil fuel indus­try (although Mr. Domeni­ci is
also a big fan of nuclear pow­er) and nei­ther a vision­ary thinker. Since
Labor Day, these two vet­er­an deal mak­ers have been cher­ry-pick­ing
pro­vi­sions they like, dis­card­ing those they don’t and for good mea­sure
infu­ri­at­ing their col­leagues by adding new items of their own.

This process is unde­mo­c­ra­t­ic even by Con­gress’s club­by stan­dards. Even
worse is the almost cer­tain out­come: a tired com­pendi­um of tax breaks and
sub­si­dies for ener­gy pro­duc­ers leav­ened by a few ges­tures toward ener­gy
effi­cien­cy. The best evi­dence of Con­gress’s bias in favor of pro­duc­tion as
opposed to con­ser­va­tion is the fact that the leg­is­la­tion would autho­rize
oil drilling in the Arc­tic Nation­al Wildlife Refuge while doing noth­ing to
improve the fuel econ­o­my of auto­mo­biles and light trucks — a more cer­tain
and less destruc­tive path to both ener­gy inde­pen­dence and clean­er air.

Indeed, we can think of only a hand­ful of pos­i­tive pro­vi­sions in these
bills. One — a Sen­ate pro­pos­al that Mr. Tauzin is try­ing to kill — would
require pow­er plants to gen­er­ate 10 per­cent of their elec­tric­i­ty from
renew­able sources by 2020. A sec­ond would open up the huge nat­ur­al gas
reserves on Alaska’s North Slope, where oil drilling already occurs.
Exploit­ing these reserves would obvi­ate the need to go pok­ing around in
eco­log­i­cal­ly sen­si­tive areas else­where, which the admin­is­tra­tion seems
deter­mined to do. A third pro­vi­sion would devote seri­ous mon­ey to promis­ing
ways of clean­ing up coal, the dirt­i­est but most plen­ti­ful of fos­sil fuels.

None of this, how­ev­er, pro­pels the coun­try toward a new ener­gy future. What
Amer­i­ca needs, and what the bill comes nowhere near pro­vid­ing, is a
game-chang­er: a huge effort to help Detroit build entire fleets of
fuel-effi­cient vehi­cles using avail­able tech­nol­o­gy, for instance, or an
equal­ly ambi­tious pro­gram to con­vert cel­lu­lose to fuel — not just corn but
grass­es, wood and agri­cul­tur­al wastes of all kinds — in quan­ti­ties large
enough to make a real dent in oil imports.

Instead, Con­gress insists on think­ing small, set­tling for timid research
pro­grams and unnec­es­sary tax breaks for estab­lished indus­tries that, as it
hap­pens, pro­vide lots of cam­paign mon­ey. Since the Democ­rats also ben­e­fit
from this mon­ey, they are unlike­ly to do the hon­or­able thing, which is to
fil­i­buster this bill into extinction.





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