Hype and Myths

The Hype and Myths of Cellulosic Ethanol

  • Agro­fu­els and the Myth of Mar­gin­al Lands Sep­tem­ber, 2008.
    A brief­ing by The Gaia Foun­da­tion, Bio­fu­el­watch, African Bio­di­ver­si­ty Net­work, Sal­va La Sel­va, Watch Indone­sia and EcoNexus. This is an excel­lent 8 page brief expos­ing this Mar­gin­al Land Myth out­lin­ing con­se­quences com­plete with var­i­ous case studies.
  • Life Cycle Analy­sis of Bio­mass to Liq­uid 2008.
    This study elab­o­rates a life cycle assess­ment of using of BTL-fuels (bio­mass-to-liq­uid) com­piled and pub­lished with­in a Euro­pean research project.
  • Ethanol Pro­duc­tion Using Corn, Switch­grass, and Wood. March 2005.
    By Pimentel and Patzek. Sci­en­tif­ic, peer reviewed study tak­ing a crit­i­cal look at the net ener­gy returns and some envi­ron­men­tal impacts. Clear, con­cise and only 10 pages.
  • Bio­fu­el by Decree
    released 1 May, 2008.

    Bio­fu­el by Decree, a new report by the Eth­nic Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment Forum, unmasks Bur­ma’s bio-ener­gy fias­co. The report details how the mil­i­tary’s nation-wide cam­paign to plant eight mil­lion acres of the tox­ic tree Jat­ropha cur­cas for biodiesel pro­duc­tion is result­ing in forced labor, land con­fis­ca­tion, loss of income and food insecurity

  • The ETC Group The ETC Group has an inter­na­tion­al scope with many pub­li­ca­tions with issues rang­ing from Human/Farmer’s Rights, Biotech­nol­o­gy, Geo­engi­neer­ing, and Cor­po­rate Con­cen­tra­tion. A wealth of qual­i­ty infor­ma­tion to under­stand the truths and avail­able in oth­er lan­guages includ­ing French, Ger­man, Por­tuguese, and Spanish.
  • The True Cost of Agro­fu­els: Impacts on Food, Forests, Peo­ple and Cli­mate 2007.
    This report is one of the most com­plete analy­sis of the mul­ti­ple aspects of Agro­fu­els cov­er­ing issues of soil, cor­po­rate con­trol and con­sol­i­da­tion, water, plan­ta­tions and pulp mills, fer­til­iz­er usage, Genet­ic Engi­neer­ing, trans­porta­tion, and cli­mate change. The con­clu­sion flesh­es out path­ways and solu­tions to meet­ing the chal­lenges for which agro­fu­els are a false solution.

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