How Europe can Help Obama Achieve U.S. Climate Targets

How Europe can Help Oba­ma Achieve U.S. Cli­mate Targets

- by Glenn Hurowitz, June 28, 2013. SourceGrist

As the glob­al leader of cli­mate action, Euro­pean gov­ern­ments want to know how Pres­i­dent Obama’s major cli­mate speech affects Europe – and par­tic­u­lar­ly whether the actions he out­lined can allow the Unit­ed States to reach its com­mit­ment to reduce emis­sions by 17 per­cent from 2005 lev­els (or even exceed that level).

The big pic­ture: Obama’s speech amount­ed to the first time that Pres­i­dent Oba­ma had giv­en voice to the envi­ron­men­tal movement’s core nar­ra­tive at length. Sud­den­ly, he wasn’t just talk­ing about ener­gy secu­ri­ty and the econ­o­my and “all of the above” – he was talk­ing about pro­tect­ing the future of life on the plan­et against very real threat of cli­mate change.  Watch­ing the speech, I felt like I’d just wok­en up from 12 years of Bush-Cheney, and yes­ter­day was the first day of the Oba­ma administration.

Nonethe­less, the suc­cess of imple­men­ta­tion will vary wide­ly depend­ing on how rig­or­ous­ly Oba­ma and his appointees fol­low up – and how will­ing they are to con­tin­ue to take on the pol­luters respon­si­ble for the cli­mate cri­sis. If rig­or­ous­ly imple­ment­ed, Obama’s plan could reduce pol­lu­tion by more than one bil­lion tons of pol­lu­tion per year, or 15–20% of cur­rent US emis­sions or more, as my col­league Cecil­ia Springer details here.

With­in this con­text, the prece­dents Europe sets and sev­er­al major deci­sions that the EU makes will have a sur­pris­ing influ­ence on how much the Unit­ed States actu­al­ly reduces emis­sions. Here are a few exam­ples wor­thy of con­sid­er­a­tion by Euro­pean gov­ern­ments that want to encour­age the Unit­ed States’ new direction.

Pow­er plant rules and the bio­mass loop­hole. The suc­cess of Pres­i­dent Obama’s clear com­mit­ment to cap­ping pol­lu­tion from pow­er plants rests on many fac­tors, includ­ing whether EPA can final­ize the review before Oba­ma fin­ish­es his term. But one that wasn’t talked about in the speech, but which is huge­ly sig­nif­i­cant, is whether EPA will close a mas­sive loop­hole in how it accounts for car­bon. EPA is under­go­ing a three year review process to eval­u­ate how it accounts for pow­er plants clear-cut­ting forests and burn­ing them for pow­er. As medieval as this sounds and is, this process actu­al­ly hap­pens on a pret­ty large scale. Why? It’s because of a mas­sive account­ing loop­hole in how green­house gas­es are mea­sured. Burn coal, nat­ur­al gas, or oil, and all that car­bon diox­ide released into the atmos­phere is tracked, and under the new EPA rules, will be capped as well.

But if a pow­er com­pa­ny like Domin­ion or Britain’s Drax instead just sends bull­doz­ers out to clearcut a for­est and load the trees into its fur­nace and torch them, the car­bon account­ing rules mag­i­cal­ly declare them car­bon neu­tral. While that ulti­mate­ly might be true over many cen­turies, regrow­ing foreststakes a very long time.

Indeed, a recent Euro­pean study found that burn­ing trees pro­duces 80 per­cent more emis­sions than coal over a 20-year time peri­od and 49 per­cent more over a 40-year time peri­od. Nonethe­less, the EPA con­tin­ues to account torch­ing forests to be as clean as solar. It would take 100 years for bio­mass use to even per­form bet­ter than coal. EPA’s sci­en­tif­ic advi­so­ry board came to a sim­i­lar con­clu­sion. Nonethe­less, the EPA con­tin­ues to account torch­ing forests to be as clean as solar. Giv­en that we need to reduce cli­mate pol­lu­tion now to avoid cri­sis, we can’t use poli­cies that take a cen­tu­ry to start working.

What’s more, burn­ing forests for ener­gy takes up a lot of wood that would oth­er­wise go to meet glob­al demand for paper and wood. That dri­ves up prices and cre­ates severe pres­sure on rain­forests in Malaysia, Indone­sia, Peru, the Con­go Basin, and oth­er regions that are being rapid­ly pulped to meet the excess demand cre­at­ed in part by bio­mass policies.

Per­haps the worst impact of this loop­hole is that it actu­al­ly length­ens the lifes­pan of the coal-fired pow­er-plants at the root of the cli­mate cri­sisBecause util­i­ties are able to meet their renew­able ener­gy goals by burn­ing trees, they don’t have to shut down coal plants and switch to clean­er sources of ener­gy like wind and solar. The end result of the bio­mass account­ing loop­hole is real­ly just more coal (and more destroyed forests).

So where does Europe come in?  The con­ti­nent is the biggest exploiter of this green­house gas loop­hole, and sources approx­i­mate­ly a third of its wood pel­lets from clear­ing Amer­i­can forests. Europe is project to meet a whop­ping 60 per­cent of its renew­able ener­gy tar­get through burn­ing this so-called bio­mass – not exact­ly the clean ener­gy source envi­sioned when Europe imple­ment­ed its clean ener­gy poli­cies. Not only is this high use of bio­mass direct­ly dri­ving up US emis­sions and lim­it­ing the abil­i­ty of US forests to suck up car­bon diox­ide from the air (hard thing for a for­est to do when it’s being burned in a UK or Bel­gian pow­er plant), it’s also set­ting a ter­ri­ble prece­dent for EPA’s own deci­sion. Clos­ing this loop­hole may be the num­ber one thing Europe can do to help the Unit­ed States meet its tar­gets – and improve its own envi­ron­men­tal per­for­mance at the same time.

Europe dri­ving Amer­i­can coal. America’s coal indus­try is a dead man walk­ing. The com­bi­na­tion of  cheap nat­ur­al gas, increas­ing renew­ables, Clean Air Act rules, and the Sier­ra Club’s grass­roots cam­paigns to shut down coal plants are pay­ing div­i­dends: Amer­i­can coal con­sump­tion fell a remark­able 11 per­cent in 2012. But that decline in coal use hasn’t been matched by an equal decline in glob­al green­house gas emis­sions. That 11 per­cent drop in con­sump­tion was part­ly off­set by a 23 per­cent jump in exports, with exports set­ting a new record in March. Much of that coal is going to Europe. Euro­pean coal con­sump­tion is prop­ping up the U.S. coal indus­try, at the same time that it’s killing 22,000 Euro­peans per year from local pol­lu­tion impacts. Tak­ing steps to tight­en Europe’s cap and fur­ther pro­mot­ing clean ener­gy is essen­tial to help­ing Pres­i­dent Oba­ma achieve America’s cli­mate goals.

Tar sands. The block­buster announce­ment of Pres­i­dent Obama’s speech was that for the Key­stone tar sands pipeline, “our nation­al inter­est will be served only if this project does not sig­nif­i­cant­ly exac­er­bate the prob­lem of car­bon pol­lu­tion.” The State Department’s much-dis­put­ed find­ing that the pipeline would not increase emis­sions rests almost entire­ly on its con­tention that whether or not the pipeline is built, the oil indus­try will find a way to get tar sands onto the world mar­ket. That find­ing is in seri­ous doubt now.  The Gov­ern­ment of British Colum­bia just reject­ed Enbridge’s attempt to build a pipeline to the Pacif­ic. But Canada’s gov­ern­ment under Stephen Harp­er is still lob­by­ing Europe to change its sci­en­tif­ic assess­ment of tar sands’ green­house gas inten­si­ty under the Euro­pean Fuel Qual­i­ty Direc­tive. Europe’s rejec­tion of these lob­by­ing attempts will mean that tar sands oil can only be sold at a price dis­count, effec­tive­ly mak­ing the Key­stone pipeline the only major eco­nom­i­cal­ly viable route for expand­ing tar sands oil’s glob­al mar­ket share – under­min­ing the State Department’s con­clu­sion that the pipeline won’t reduce emissions.

Stand­ing firm on avi­a­tion. At least five air­planes inter­rupt­ed Pres­i­dent Obama’s speech, a per­fect sym­bol of how the avi­a­tion industry’s pol­lu­tion is total­ly out of con­trol. In 2012, Europe expand­ed its car­bon cap to cov­er avi­a­tion, one of the world’s fastest grow­ing sources of pol­lu­tion. But the US air­line indus­try, led by Unit­ed Air­lines, launched an aggres­sive lob­by­ing and legal cam­paign to block Europe from apply­ing the law to inter­na­tion­al flights to and from Europe. Though they failed in court, they man­aged to per­suade Pres­i­dent Oba­ma in his pre-elec­tion, pre-cli­mate focus days to sign a law that gives his admin­is­tra­tion the pow­er to block US air­lines from com­ply­ing with Europe’s cli­mate law – even when their flights are tak­ing off and land­ing in Europe!

As a result of this pres­sure – and a fear that inter­na­tion­al air­lines would can­cel orders for Air­bus planes to protest Europe’s cli­mate action – the EU announced a one-year delay on imple­men­ta­tion to give coun­tries of the world the oppor­tu­ni­ty to impose a mar­ket-based cap on pol­lu­tion through the Inter­na­tion­al Civ­il Avi­a­tion Orga­ni­za­tion. Nego­ti­a­tions are ongo­ing, but the air­line indus­try has a decades-long his­to­ry of block­ing inter­na­tion­al cli­mate action. If the inter­na­tion­al process con­tin­ues to dis­ap­point, Europe can help encour­age the Unit­ed States by re-insti­tut­ing its cap on pol­lu­tion from inter­na­tion­al flights. The move is expect­ed to only cost about $3 per trans-Atlantic flight, less than the cost of a bag of pota­to chips on board. Giv­en Pres­i­dent Obama’s new com­mit­ment to action on cli­mate change, doing so would help bring anoth­er impor­tant US pol­luter under a cap, and set the stage for future Clean Air Act reg­u­la­tion of air­line pol­lu­tion.

 In sum, Europe has a crit­i­cal role to play in help­ing the Unit­ed States meet or exceed its car­bon goals. By stay­ing true to the spir­it of its own cli­mate and clean ener­gy laws, it can help point the way for an Amer­i­ca that is just begin­ning to see that Europe’s civ­i­liza­tion­al com­mit­ment to cli­mate action just might have some­thing going for it.

Glenn Hurowitz is a senior fel­low at the Cen­ter for Inter­na­tion­al Pol­i­cy. His writ­ing has appeared in The New York Times, The Atlantic, Politi­co, The Los Ange­les Times, and many oth­er pub­li­ca­tions. He is the author of the crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed book Fear and Courage in the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty and has worked in a vari­ety of senior posi­tions in the envi­ron­men­tal move­ment and on polit­i­cal cam­paigns. You can fol­low his Twit­ter feed about forests, cli­mate, and wildlife: @glennhurowitz.




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