How Deep Do Property Lines Extend

Published: December 5, 2013
The New York Times

A case involv­ing the dis­pos­al of indus­tri­al waste­water pits two inter­ests that are dear to many Tex­ans against each oth­er: oil and gas resources ver­sus pri­vate prop­er­ty rights.

A deci­sion by the state’s high­est civ­il court could have major impli­ca­tions for both. The Texas Supreme Court is sched­uled to hear argu­ments on Jan. 7 in a dis­pute between a com­pa­ny that oper­ates injec­tion wells in Lib­er­ty Coun­ty and a near­by rice farm that says waste­water from those wells has migrat­ed into a salt­wa­ter aquifer below its land. It calls the migra­tion tres­pass­ing, for which it should be com­pen­sat­ed. Among sev­er­al small­er ques­tions, the court will weigh a broad one: Just how far below the earth’s sur­face do prop­er­ty lines extend?

“This is the clas­sic bat­tle between the two quin­tes­sen­tial val­ues that are in direct con­flict with each oth­er,” said Matthew J. Fes­ta, a pro­fes­sor at the South Texas Col­lege of Law. “On a lot of dif­fer­ent lev­els, this case could make some new law.”

This is not the first time oil and gas inter­ests have clashed with landown­ers in Texas. State courts have weighed in on sev­er­al such show­downs in recent years, includ­ing emi­nent domain cas­es involv­ing land seized to build pipelines. But the court has yet to con­sid­er the idea of under­ground trespassing.

The dis­pute, which has reached the high court once before, has drawn the oil and gas industry’s attention.

The well in ques­tion is clas­si­fied as Class I and used for non­haz­ardous indus­tri­al waste. It is not one of the 50,000 Class II waste wells that drillers typ­i­cal­ly use. But low­er courts’ opin­ions have drawn no dis­tinc­tion between the wells, stir­ring con­cerns that a rul­ing in F.P.L. Farming’s favor would harm production.

“Because the abil­i­ty to pro­duce oil and gas is inex­tri­ca­bly tied to the avail­abil­i­ty of injec­tion wells,” the Texas Oil and Gas Asso­ci­a­tion says in a brief, “a new com­mon law cause of action that threat­ens oper­a­tion of injec­tion wells like­ly threat­ens oil and gas production.”

In 1997, Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­cess­ing Ser­vices fin­ished drilling an injec­tion well about 400 feet from F.P.L. Farming’s land, which the farm con­test­ed ear­ly on. Since then, the com­pa­ny has inject­ed more than 100 mil­lion gal­lons of wastewater.

Bob Kent, a for­mer Texas envi­ron­men­tal reg­u­la­tor and F.P.L. Farming’s expert wit­ness, tes­ti­fied that the waste plume had prob­a­bly trav­eled across the prop­er­ty lines, bas­ing those con­clu­sions on a for­mu­la wide­ly used by state and fed­er­al regulators.

Rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the farm say they wor­ry that the waste, which includes the flam­ma­ble liq­uid ace­tone, will con­t­a­m­i­nate its ground­wa­ter and erode the val­ue of its prop­er­ty. Though the water is too salty to drink, those on the farm’s side con­tend that it is valu­able because desali­na­tion tech­nol­o­gy could make it drinkable.

The well oper­a­tor and its sup­port­ers, mean­while, say the waste will make the ground­wa­ter no more pol­lut­ed than it is nat­u­ral­ly. And they say it is a moot point because rec­og­niz­ing a sub­sur­face tres­pass­ing argu­ment is near­ly unprece­dent­ed. The appel­late court in Beau­mont is the only court to have done so.

The suit is fly­ing under the radar of prop­er­ty rights advo­cates. No group has filed a brief in sup­port of the rice farm, but the Texas Farm Bureau, which typ­i­cal­ly sup­ports landown­ers in such dis­putes, said it was look­ing at the case after recent­ly learn­ing of its return to court. (The Texas Farm Bureau is a cor­po­rate spon­sor of The Texas Tribune.)

The group sup­port­ed F.P.L. Farm­ing the last time the case reached the Supreme Court. That was in 2011, when the jus­tices remand­ed the case to the low­er courts after con­sid­er­ing var­i­ous arguments.

“We think they own the prop­er­ty down to the cen­ter of the earth,” said Regan Beck, assis­tant gen­er­al coun­sel for the Farm Bureau, adding, “You have a tak­ing with­out compensation.”





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