Gainesville Sun’s Biomass Cover-Up

- by Karen Orr, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network

One of the tragedies of life in Gainesville, Flori­da is that there is so lit­tle real­i­ty based jour­nal­ism. In today’s SUN, edi­to­r­i­al page edi­tor Ron Cun­ning­ham con­tin­ues the news­pa­per’s dis­in­for­ma­tion cam­paign on the city’s Gainesville Renew­able Ener­gy Cen­ter (GREC) boon­dog­gle. Cun­ning­ham rewrites his­to­ry when he states: “I just wish they had been here hot­ly debat­ing that issue three, four or even five years ago, when it might have made a difference.”

Cun­ning­ham knows cit­i­zens strong­ly and pub­licly opposed the tree burn­ing incin­er­a­tor plan three, four and even eight years ago. Maybe more. The Gainesville city com­mis­sion­ers were well aware of the bad envi­ron­men­tal con­se­quences a bio­mass incin­er­a­tor would have on North Flori­da. Alachua Coun­ty cit­i­zens told them so over and over.

2005 exam­ple: “GRU’s Devel­op­er Wel­fare Plan” — the first pub­lished arti­cle on the city com­mis­sion’s bio­mass dis­cus­sion that I’m aware of. But there weren’t near­ly as many cit­i­zens back in the day oppos­ing the bio­mass deba­cle as there are now. That’s because the pub­lic at large was the vic­tim of The Gainesville SUN’s cov­er-up of this sto­ry that would have informed them of the impend­ing bio­mass disaster.

The SUN kept the pub­lic in the dark as for­mer Gainesville may­or Pegeen Han­ra­han’s plan played out at City Hall. Only after the SUN con­sid­ered the city’s GREC boon­dog­gle to be “a done deal,” and a cit­i­zen law­suit unveiled the bio­mass rate hike buried in the secret con­tract, did the news­pa­per begin report­ing on the tree burn­ing elec­tric­i­ty gen­er­a­tor in any mean­ing­ful way. Not only did the SUN news edi­tors hide the sto­ry as its’ details unfold­ed at City Hall, SUN edi­to­r­i­al page edi­tor Cun­ning­ham refused to pub­lish some of the columns that would have alert­ed SUN read­ers to what could be in store should the bio­mass boon­dog­gle go forward.

One impor­tant piece Cun­ning­ham refused to let see the light of day on the SUN’s edi­to­r­i­al page was for­mer Gainesville may­or, Tom Bussing’s  “The Shell Game: Gainesville is Giv­ing Away Its Ener­gy Future.” On Decem­ber 21, 2009 James Mal­oy of Gret­na, Flori­da wrote: “Since the Gainesville Sun edi­to­r­i­al page Edi­tor, Ron Cun­ning­ham has refused to pub­lish this col­umn by for­mer Gainesville May­or Tom Bussing, we offer this infor­ma­tion to the vis­i­tors of this web­site with thanks to Mr. Bussing for shar­ing his opin­ion with the cit­i­zens of Flori­da who depend on the media and gov­ern­ment offi­cials to defend their best interests.” 





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