Florida Trash Incinerator Proposal Bites the Dust

(Source: Lau­rie K. Bland­ford and Antho­ny West­bury, TC Palm)

A trash incin­er­a­tor pro­pos­al for St. Lucie, Flori­da has fall­en through fol­low­ing a unan­i­mous deci­sion by the St. Lucie Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers to ter­mi­nate the con­tract with Geor­gia-based Geo­plas­ma, cit­ing eco­nom­ic con­cerns. The 24 megawatt incin­er­a­tor would’ve incin­er­at­ed 600 tons of trash per day using a tech­nol­o­gy called plas­ma arc, which turns garbage into a gas and slag, a sol­id waste byproduct.

“For­tu­nate­ly, the health of St. Lucie Coun­ty res­i­dents will not be jeop­ar­dized since the incin­er­a­tor won’t be built,” said Dr. Ron Saff, an asth­ma spe­cial­ist based in Tal­la­has­see, who had opposed the facil­i­ty along with oth­er area med­ical pro­fes­sion­als. Saff offers his thanks to “the local med­ical community…who took a bold stand in St. Lucie Coun­ty against the incin­er­a­tor. This cer­tain­ly helped win the battle.”

Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers are now in nego­ta­tions with New Jer­sey based incin­er­a­tor devel­op­er, Cov­an­ta Ener­gy Cor­po­ra­tion, to build a ther­mal con­ver­sion facil­i­ty at the coun­ty land­fill to process munic­i­pal sol­id waste.

The can­celed facil­i­ty would’ve emit­ted tox­ic air pol­lu­tants, includ­ing par­tic­u­late mat­ter, volatile organ­ic com­pounds (VOCs), heavy met­als, diox­ins, sul­fur diox­ide, car­bon monox­ide, mer­cury, and furans, as well as green­house gas­es. “In all incin­er­a­tion tech­nolo­gies, air pol­lu­tion con­trol devices are main­ly devices that cap­ture and con­cen­trate the tox­ic pol­lu­tants; they don’t elim­i­nate them,” accord­ing to Glob­al Alliance for Incin­er­a­tor Alter­na­tives (GAIA) in its 2009 report, “An Indus­try Blow­ing Smoke.” “By cap­tur­ing and con­cen­trat­ing the pol­lu­tants, pol­lu­tants are trans­ferred to oth­er envi­ron­men­tal media such as fly ash, char, slag, and waste water.” 

The Flori­da Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion has con­cerns with the “syn­gas” pro­duced through the plas­ma arc trash incin­er­a­tion process. “While the high tem­per­a­tures can destroy organ­ics, some unde­sir­able com­pounds, like diox­ins and furans, can reform at tem­per­a­ture ranges between 450 and 850 degrees F if chlo­rine is present,” accord­ing to its “Whitepa­per on the Use of Plas­ma Arc Tech­nol­o­gy to Treat Munic­i­pal Sol­id Waste.” 

Trash incin­er­a­tion often burns waste mate­ri­als that could oth­er­wise be recy­cled or com­post­ed. Nine­ty per­cent of mate­ri­als con­sumed in U.S. incin­er­a­tors and land­fills could be recy­cled or com­post­ed, accord­ing to the US Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency. In 2010, Ocean City Mary­land ter­mi­nat­ed its recy­cling pro­gram in favor of send­ing its trash and recy­clables to the Cov­an­ta trash incin­er­a­tor in Chester, Penn­syl­va­nia. Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work has cre­at­ed a map depict­ing the loca­tions of oper­at­ing, pro­posed and defeat­ed trash incin­er­a­tors in the U.S.





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