Fire Erupts at Missouri Wood Pellet Facility

Fire erupts at the MFA Bio­mass plant in Aurora

- by Paula More­house, Octo­ber 13, 2013. Source: KY3

Bio­mass plant in Aurora

The state fire mar­shal is inves­ti­gat­ing a fire on Sun­day at the MFA Bio­mass plant in Auro­ra, Missouri. 

The own­er told KY3 News no one was hurt in the fire. The facil­i­ty was not in oper­a­tion on Sunday.

Own­er Dustin Dover said the dam­age is vis­i­ble on the out­side of the build­ing.  He declined to release any oth­er infor­ma­tion about the fire.

The MFA Bio­mass plant con­verts saw­dust into pel­lets for wood burn­ing stoves.      
In ear­ly Sep­tem­ber, KY3 talked to neigh­bors in the area about their com­plaints con­cern­ing the amount of dust the plant gen­er­at­ed.
The own­er told KY3 the plant had used dif­fer­ent equip­ment to solve the prob­lem, and was plan­ning to install a spe­cial fil­ter to help con­trol the dust.





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