Fire at Biomass Power Facility in Thailand

- April 8, 2015, Bangkok Post

A bio­mass pow­er plant with large piles of palm ker­nel shells used for fuel caught fire in Khao Phanom dis­trict of Kra­bi ear­ly Wednes­day morn­ing, and dam­age was esti­mat­ed at 100 mil­lion baht. 

The fire at Saraff Ener­gies Co start­ed about 1.30am. The plant was tem­porar­i­ly closed for maintenance. 

It first emerged at a grinder and then burnt a con­vey­or belt and spread to hun­dreds of tonnes of stored palm ker­nel shells used as fuel at the bio­mass pow­er plant on Nua Khlong-Chai Buri Road.

More than 10 fire engines and crews from four sub-dis­tricts bat­tled the blaze, which took more than four hours to con­trol. The fire destroyed the steel ware­house where palm ker­nel shells were stored over an area of about two rai. The fire extin­guish­ing sys­tem at the plant was out of ser­vice at the time.

Two Myan­mar work­ers were injured. One suf­fered burns and the oth­er cut his leg escap­ing from the plant.

The pow­er plant is part of the very small pow­er pro­duc­er (VSPP) pro­gramme and receives gov­ern­ment sup­port. It nor­mal­ly gen­er­ates about 10 megawatts of elec­tric­i­ty and sells the pow­er to the Provin­cial Elec­tric­i­ty Authority.

Police said dam­age was put at 100 mil­lion baht. 




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