EPA Bans Most Wood-Burning Stoves

EPA Bans Most Wood-Burn­ing Stoves

- by Tara Dodrill, Octo­ber 2, 2013, SourceOff the Grid News

Wood-burn­ing stoves offer warmth and enhance off-grid liv­ing options dur­ing cold weath­er months, but the tried-and-true heat­ing devices now are under attack by the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency.

The EPA has banned the pro­duc­tion and sale of the types of stoves used by about 80 per­cent of those with such stoves. The reg­u­la­tions lim­it the amount of “air­borne fine-par­ti­cle mat­ter” to 12 micro­grams per cubic meter of air. The cur­rent EPA reg­u­la­tions allow for 15 micro­grams in the same amount of air space.

Most of the wood stoves cur­rent­ly nes­tled inside cab­ins and homes from coast-to-coast don’t meet the new envi­ron­men­tal stan­dard. The EPA launched a “Burn Wise” web­site to help con­vince the pub­lic that the new reg­u­la­tions were needed.

Trad­ing in an old stove for a new­er stove isn’t allowed.

“Replac­ing an old­er stove with a clean­er-burn­ing stove will not improve air qual­i­ty if the old­er stove is reused some­where else,” the web­site says. “For this rea­son, wood stove change out pro­grams usu­al­ly require old­er stoves to be destroyed and recy­cled as scrap met­al, or ren­dered inoperable.”

In some areas of the coun­try, local gov­ern­ments have gone fur­ther than the EPA and banned not just the sale of such stoves, but the usage of old stoves – and even the usage of fire­places. That means that even if you still have a stove or a fire­place, you can’t burn it for fear of a fine. Puget Sound, Wash­ing­ton, is one such location.

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Burn Wise is a part­ner­ship pro­gram asso­ci­at­ed with the EPA that is tasked with empha­siz­ing the “impor­tance of burn­ing the right wood, the right way, in the right stove.” Infor­ma­tion shared on the web­site oper­at­ed by the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment also states that both state and local agen­cies are pur­su­ing ways to improve air qual­i­ty that relate to wood-burn­ing stoves.

The over­all goal of the EPA Burn Wise pro­gram is to edu­cate both local gov­ern­men­tal agen­cies and cit­i­zens about the need for more “clean­er-burn­ing” in the mar­ket­place. Three of the most recent high­light­ed arti­cles and webi­na­rs on the EPA Burn Wise web­site include details about a vol­un­tary wood burn­ing fire­place pro­gram, strate­gies for reduc­ing res­i­den­tial wood some in state, trib­al, and local com­mu­ni­ties, and a record­ing enti­tled, “Reduc­ing Res­i­den­tial Wood Some: Is it Worth it?”

The EPA also has com­piled a list of “approved” stoves.

Accord­ing to a Wash­ing­ton Times review of the wood stove ban, the most dan­ger­ous aspect of the EPA pro­posed guide­lines is the one-size-fits-all approach to the per­ceived prob­lem. The same wood burn­ing stove rules would apply to both heav­i­ly air-pol­lu­tion laden major cities and far clean­er rur­al regions with extreme­ly cool­er tem­per­a­tures. Fam­i­lies liv­ing in Alas­ka, or off the grid in wilder­ness area in the West, will most like­ly have extreme dif­fi­cul­ty remain­ing in their cold, seclud­ed homes if the EPA wood stove rules are approved.

The Times fur­ther said that wood burn­ing stoves put less air­borne fine-par­ti­cle man­ner in the air than is present from sec­ond­hand some in a closed vehi­cle. When an indi­vid­ual smokes inside a car with the win­dows up, pas­sen­gers are report­ed­ly exposed to approx­i­mate­ly 4,000 micro­grams of soot per cubic meter.

Wrote the Times’ edi­to­r­i­al board:

“Alaska’s 663,000 square miles is most­ly forest­ed, offer­ing res­i­dents an abun­dant source of afford­able fire­wood. When coun­ty offi­cials float­ed a plan to reg­u­late the burn­ing of wood, res­i­dents were under­stand­ably inflamed. ‘Every­body wants clean air. We just have to make sure that we can also heat our homes,’ state Rep. Tam­mie Wil­son told the Asso­ci­at­ed Press. Rather than fret over EPA’s com­put­er-mod­el-based warn­ing about the dan­gers of inhal­ing soot from wood smoke, res­i­dents have more press­ing con­cerns on their minds such as the imme­di­ate risk of freez­ing when the mer­cury plunges.”





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