Environmentalists Press Detroit to Stop Trash Incineration

Envi­ron­men­tal­ists Press Detroit to Stop Trash Incineration

- by Jim Lynch, Novem­ber 20, 2013, Source: The Detroit News

The city’s new sol­id-waste dis­pos­al con­tract rep­re­sents an open door to local envi­ron­men­tal­ists, and some are try­ing to push the city for fur­ther action.

Emer­gency Man­ag­er Kevyn Orr’s office law week said the city select­ed a pair of firms to han­dle Detroit’s garbage. Advanced Dis­pos­al Ser­vices and Riz­zo Envi­ron­men­tal Ser­vices are expect­ed to begin trash pick­up and curb­side recy­cling in May.

The intro­duc­tion of curb­side recy­cling means a reduc­tion in the amount of mate­r­i­al going to the Detroit incin­er­a­tor. Some activists said Wednes­day they would like to see the city go fur­ther and divert all garbage from being burned at the ener­gy-from-waste facility.

“This is an oppor­tu­ni­ty for the city to move from (being) a lag­ger to a leader,” said Mar­garet Weber, an offi­cial with the Zero Waste Detroit Coali­tion, at a small press conference

 out­side the Cole­man A. Young Munic­i­pal Center.

“We don’t see (the incin­er­a­tor) as a renew­able source for ener­gy,” she said. “We see it as a detriment.”

For years, the city has sent its waste to the incin­er­a­tor, where the facil­i­ty con­verts it into ener­gy and steam. Result­ing odor issues have plagued sur­round­ing neigh­bor­hoods, and res­i­dents in those areas have com­plained of expe­ri­enc­ing high­er rates of res­pi­ra­to­ry issues.

“The incin­er­a­tor is a major contributor

 of ozone, and ozone is a major con­trib­u­tor to asth­ma,” said Ahmi­na Max­ey, an out­reach coor­di­na­tor with Zero Waste Detroit. “Also, the incin­er­a­tor is stink­ing up the neigh­bor­hoods around it.”

The emer­gency manager’s office said the city is look­ing to nego­ti­ate a final con­tract of $23 mil­lion to $25 mil­lion with­in the next 30 days.





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