Dirty Air for Power We Don’t Need

Dirty Air for Pow­er We Don’t Need

- by Dick Stokes, Sep­tem­ber 19, 2013. Source: Gainesville-Sun

The “big lie” method involves mak­ing a claim so pre­pos­ter­ous peo­ple assume it must be true.

Gainesville Region­al Util­i­ties made the pre­pos­ter­ous claim that the air will be clean­er after the bio­mass incin­er­a­tor (the Gainesville Renew­able Ener­gy Cen­ter) starts burn­ing tons of wood dai­ly, or more than 1 mil­lion tons annu­al­ly. Accord­ing to GRU, much of that wood is cur­rent­ly burned in the open with no pol­lu­tion controls.

Just don’t ask GRU for the hard evi­dence. State records show only a frac­tion of the amount claimed is actu­al­ly burned in the open annu­al­ly. Good foresters know wood “waste” replen­ish­es the soil for future trees, so they haven’t been burn­ing it all away.

GREC will make our air filth­i­er, every day, with no pol­lu­tion con­trols over its CO2 emis­sions that will also exceed 1 mil­lion tons annu­al­ly. All this pol­lu­tion is for ener­gy we don’t need.

Dick Stokes, Gainesville, Florida




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