Couple Suing Iowa Ethanol Plant

- May 21, 2014,

A Neva­da cou­ple is suing a cel­lu­losic ethanol plant after a fire threat­ened their home.

Ernest and Bar­bara Clark are suing DuPont Danisco.

They are claim­ing the com­pa­ny has act­ed reck­less­ly and care­less­ly in stor­ing the high­ly com­bustible corn stover across from their home.

On March 31st, at least eight of the bails caught fire and the wind pushed the fire toward their home. Some of their prop­er­ty was dam­aged. Embers burned the home’s exte­ri­or and smoke and ash cov­ered the home’s interior.

The cou­ple wants the plant to move the bales and pay for the fire damage.

Read the law­suit here.




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