Category: Uncategorized

  • Letter to EPA Objecting to Loopholes in Carbon Pollution Standards for New Power Plants

    [In May 2013, over 500 grass­roots activists sent in this sign-on let­ter to EPA about their inad­e­quate Car­bon Pol­lu­tion Stan­dards for New Pow­er Plants.] Dear EPA Admin­is­tra­tor McCarthy: Your pro­posed CO2 rule for new elec­tric gen­er­at­ing units falls short in sev­er­al ways and must be strength­ened so that it does not wors­en glob­al warm­ing and…

  • Energy Justice Network gets 131 groups opposing DOE loans for incinerators

    In just six days over the hol­i­day week­end, we got 131 groups signed on to a let­ter to Depart­ment of Ener­gy, oppos­ing bil­lions in renew­able ener­gy sub­si­dies from ben­e­fit­ing incin­er­a­tion, bio­mass and biofuels. It includ­ed about 100 grass­roots or state/regional groups from 27 states plus DC and Puer­to Rico as well as about 30 nation­al…

  • High-Grade Wood Going to Nova Scotia Biomass Incinerator

    - by Tom Ayer , May 12, 2014, Source: Cape Bre­ton Bureau Pho­to: Erin Pot­tie, Cape Bre­ton Bureau Top sto­ries in Halifax Busi­ness own­ers in Cape Bre­ton who rely on the for­est for a liv­ing say high-qual­i­ty hard­woods are mak­ing their way into Nova Sco­tia Power’s bio­mass plant in Point Tup­per, con­sum­ing a wood sup­ply that…

  • Zero Waste

    Zero Waste is defined as “The con­ser­va­tion of all resources by means of respon­si­ble pro­duc­tion, con­sump­tion, reuse, and recov­ery of prod­ucts, pack­ag­ing, and mate­ri­als with­out burn­ing and with no dis­charges to land, water, or air that threat­en the envi­ron­ment or human health.” It’s not a utopic idea, but a set of poli­cies and prac­tices intend­ed…

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery is NOT Carbon Sequestration

    Most car­bon seques­tra­tion projects involve using the CO2 to pump into under­ground oil for­ma­tions in order to get out more oil than they’d  nor­mal­ly be able to extract.  This has some obvi­ous con­tra­dic­tions and should not be con­sid­ered car­bon seques­tra­tion, espe­cial­ly since much of that CO2 comes back up in the pro­duced oil. As this MIT…

  • Trash Incineration More Polluting than Coal

    To make the same amount of ener­gy as a coal pow­er plant, trash incin­er­a­tors in 2018 released 65% more car­bon diox­ide (CO2), as much car­bon monox­ide, three times as much nitro­gen oxides (NOx), five times as much mer­cury, near­ly six times as much lead and 27 times more hydrochlo­ric acid (HCl). Trash incin­er­a­tors are the…

  • Incinerators are NOT “waste-to-energy” facilities

    Note to Jour­nal­ists and Activists:Incin­er­a­tors are NOT “waste-to-ener­gy” facilities Words Mean Things Any jour­nal­ist seek­ing to be accu­rate and objec­tive should nev­er call an incin­er­a­tor a “waste-to-ener­gy” facil­i­ty. Jour­nal­ists and envi­ron­men­tal­ists should not spread the con­fu­sion by repeat­ing this pub­lic rela­tions term. The term “waste-to-ener­gy incin­er­a­tor” should be replaced with sim­ply “incin­er­a­tor” or “[waste type] incin­er­a­tor”…

  • 220,000 acres of Colorado’s White River National Forest to be Logged for Biomass Energy

    Demand for bio­mass ener­gy in Col­orado will require log­ging in 220,000 acres of the White Riv­er Nation­al For­est. ‑Ed. - by Allen Best, March 6, 2014. Source: Moun­tain Town News For most of the last decade, Col­oradans have been talk­ing about how to make good use of their moun­tain forests, dying and gray. Some­thing is final­ly happening.…

  • Judith Johnsrud

    OBITUARY FOR DR. JUDITH H. JOHNSRUD July 1, 1931 – March 9, 2014 Judith H. John­srud of State Col­lege, PA, a high­ly-respect­ed hero to oppo­nents of nuclear ener­gy in the Unit­ed States and around the world, was born July 1, 1931, and grew up in Ham­mond, Indi­ana.  As a teenag­er Judy, as she was known to…

  • Solar Catches on in Iowa

    By Karen Uhlenhuth Decem­ber 18, 2013 Mid­west Ener­gy News Iowa is well estab­lished as a nation­al leader in wind ener­gy and bio­fu­els. And now the state is poised for seri­ous growth in solar as well. “The mar­ket is explod­ing in Iowa,” says Tim Dwight, a for­mer Iowa Hawk­eye and NFL star who has become one of his home state’s most…