Category: Incineration

  • Trash Incinerator Ash — Nearly 30 tons for every 100 tons burned

    For every 100 tons burned in an incin­er­a­tor, about 30 tons of tox­ic ash are produced. This is evi­denced by the data from var­i­ous incin­er­a­tors. Below is data from trash incin­er­a­tors in Penn­syl­va­nia, Mary­land, and Vir­ginia, where state waste dis­pos­al data­bas­es pro­vide the ton­nages burned and tons of ash dis­posed. Penn­syl­va­nia now pro­vides this raw…

  • Beyond Incineration: Best Waste Management Strategies for Montgomery County, Maryland

    Cov­an­ta’s trash incin­er­a­tor in Mont­gomery Coun­ty, Mary­land is the largest air indus­tri­al pol­luter in the coun­ty, by far. Fol­low­ing a mas­sive waste pile fire that burned for near­ly two weeks in late 2016, we’ve been sup­port­ing our mem­ber group, Sug­ar­loaf Cit­i­zens’ Asso­ci­a­tion, to close this incin­er­a­tor for good. We worked with them and oth­er local…

  • Our first victory of 2017! Hazardous waste incinerator defeated in the heart of gasland.

    Our first victory of 2017! Hazardous waste incinerator defeated in the heart of gasland.

    On March 29th, 2017, a rur­al town­ship in Susque­han­na Coun­ty, Penn­syl­va­nia, passed a local clean air law based on one we draft­ed for them in June 2016. It may be the first in the coun­try to con­tain a “cit­i­zen suit” pro­vi­sion, allow­ing any Town­ship res­i­dent or tax­pay­er to sue to enforce the ordi­nance if the…