Category: Blog Post

  • Biomass Incinerator Fined for Pollution

    June 4, 2013. Source: Thomas Con­tent, The Jour­nal Sentinel The oper­a­tor of a bio­mass pow­er plant on the Mis­sis­sip­pi Riv­er in Cassville will pay $150,000 to set­tle air pol­lu­tion vio­la­tions at the plant in recent years. The fine was announced by state Attor­ney Gen­er­al J.B. Van Hollen after a stip­u­la­tion to set­tle air pol­lu­tion vio­la­tions by…

  • $98.6 Million of U.S. Taxpayer Dollars Diverted to Biofuels

    June 11, 2013. Source: Ground­ed U.S. Agri­cul­ture Sec­re­tary Tom Vil­sack announced the avail­abil­i­ty of up to $98.6 mil­lion to sup­port the pro­duc­tion of advanced bio­fu­els, and an oppor­tu­ni­ty for eli­gi­ble pro­duc­ers to sub­mit applications. “The Unit­ed States is on the path to a clean­er, more secure ener­gy future,” Vil­sack said. “USDA pro­vides pay­ments to eli­gi­ble pro­duc­ers…

  • 2 Dead, 2 Injured in Thai Biomass Incinerator Gas Leak

    June 11, 2013. Source: Phuket Wan PHUKET: An expat engi­neer killed while try­ing to res­cue oth­ers after a gas leak at a bio­mass pow­er plant has died a hero, it emerged today. Fresh reports on the unusu­al calami­ty that also killed a Thai man indi­cate that New Zealan­der Michael Cop­pins, 51, was gassed while try­ing to…

  • It’s Not a Fire, It’s Biomass

    June 12, 2013. Source: Hib­bing Dai­ly Tribune HIBBING, Min­neso­ta — The light­ing of the bio­mass boil­er by the Hib­bing Pub­lic Util­i­ties (HPU) Wednes­day has result­ed in smoke over the city. The Hib­bing Fire Depart­ment and 911 have received numer­ous calls of per­sons report­ing smoke or fires in the area, accord­ing to Fire Chief Scott Nehiba. “There is…