Category: Blog Post

  • Pa

  • 2 arrested — Sunoco cutting trees for Mariner 2 pipeline route

    Suno­co is rapid­ly cut­ting down trees on the Ger­hart’s prop­er­ty in cen­tral PA to make way for more gas to be shipped overseas. Two peo­ple were arrest­ed today, one stu­dent from Juni­a­ta Col­lege, who is alleged to have crossed into the claimed Mariner East 2 pipeline right-of-way to warn crews that a tree they were…

  • Trash Incineration in Prince George’s County?

    Prince George’s Coun­ty is court­ing “waste-to-ener­gy” (WTE) cor­po­ra­tions to build new waste facil­i­ties that will pol­lute our com­mu­ni­ty. Cur­rent­ly our trash goes to the Brown Sta­tion San­i­tary Land­fill in Upper Marl­boro, which is sched­uled to fill up and close in 5 years at cur­rent dump­ing rates. The County’s Depart­ment of the Envi­ron­ment is mov­ing toward…

  • Dirt Cheap Clean Energy

    The most excit­ing news is com­ing soon­er than I expect­ed. The moment where the biggest fights become where to put all of the wind and solar, rather than hav­ing to end­less­ly fight off plans for nuclear, coal, oil, or gas pow­er plants, or bio­mass or waste incinerators. The lines are already cross­ing. These are the…

  • New Factsheet on Energy Justice Communities Map and Justice Map

    I have cre­at­ed a new fly­er for Ener­gy Jus­tice Com­mu­ni­ties Map, Jus­tice Map, and the Spa­tial Jus­tice Test for Race and Income. Feel free to use this fly­er at any event (like a con­fer­ence, protest, work­shop, class, etc) where peo­ple might be inter­est­ed in these projects.

  • Sign Comments to EPA on Clean Power Plan — Due Monday!

    SIGN ON: Tell EPA to clean up the Clean Pow­er Plan! DEADLINE is Mon­day, Decem­ber 1st As you prob­a­bly know, the EPA has pub­lished its Clean Pow­er Plan, intend­ed to reduce car­bon emis­sions from the nation’s elec­tric­i­ty sec­tor, for pub­lic com­ment. Our com­ments ask EPA to: Read the full com­ments and sign on to them here:

  • New or Updated Online Resources:

    We’ve added sev­er­al things to our incin­er­a­tion web­page, includ­ing pages on how trash incin­er­a­tion is more pol­lut­ing than coal and is the most expen­sive way to man­age waste or to make ener­gy. We added a chart show­ing the decline in the num­ber of oper­at­ing incin­er­a­tors in the U.S., a list of all com­mer­cial trash incin­er­a­tors in the U.S., by size and a page explain­ing to…

  • 2014 a Banner Year for Victories

    This is the year for vic­to­ries against bio­mass and waste incin­er­a­tors. We’ve tracked 45 vic­to­ries by those in our net­work since 2010, but this year is some­thing spe­cial. It’s only been sev­en months and we’ve already seen sev­en vic­to­ries, plus a vic­to­ry against a pro­posed gas-fired pow­er plant and two state-lev­el pol­i­cy vic­to­ries. We’re proud to…

  • VICTORY! DC Passes Styrofoam ban; Moves toward Zero Waste

    Since Jan­u­ary, we’ve been work­ing to help get two bills passed in DC City Coun­cil, both of which passed unan­i­mous­ly on July 14th!  Sev­er­al aspects of the bills were made stronger through our efforts.  Tomor­row, DC May­or Gray pub­licly signs one of them into law. The most excit­ing parts of these bills include: In more detail……

  • Updated Resources on Trash Incineration

    We just added a lot to our web resources on the prob­lems with trash incin­er­a­tion. Check it out: Updates include: