Category: Blog entry

  • To Win Ohio and Pennsylvania, Obama Must Oppose Fracking

    by Alex Lotorto This morn­ing, I was sip­ping cof­fee and watch­ing Sun­day morn­ing talk shows with my par­ents. We talked about the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion when my dad mut­ed the com­mer­cial breaks that con­sis­tent­ly includ­ed fos­sil fuel indus­try commercials. My mom put it sim­ply, “I made phone calls, put up posters, and worked at the [Oba­ma]…

  • Bold Energy Justice Platform Released!

    After a year of work with numer­ous grass­roots lead­ers through­out the U.S., our net­work of activists fight­ing “bio­mass” incin­er­a­tors has put togeth­er a bold and com­pre­hen­sive plat­form to guide and unite our work. Since so-called “bio­mass” incin­er­a­tion cuts across many issues, includ­ing ener­gy and waste pol­i­cy as well as agri­cul­ture and forestry issues, it makes sense that…

  • We predicted the nation’s largest city bankruptcy — 8 years ago

    Penn­syl­va­ni­a’s cap­i­tal city is now fil­ing for bank­rupt­cy. We hate to say it, but we told them so… eight years ago. In 2003, Ener­gy Jus­tice founder, Mike Ewall, tes­ti­fied before Har­ris­burg City Coun­cil at the request of the coali­tion of black cler­gy in the region, warn­ing them that if they bor­rowed anoth­er $125 mil­lion to rebuilt…

  • Flywheel energy storage makes 100% wind and solar possible

    We can meet all of our elec­tric­i­ty needs with wind and solar. But what about when the wind isn’t blow­ing and the sun isn’t shin­ing? Coal, nuclear and nat­ur­al gas make up 88% of the U.S. elec­tric­i­ty mix. There are sev­er­al answers to the myth that inter­mit­tent ener­gy sources like wind and solar can’t replace…

  • We Won a Google Adwords Grant

    Today Ener­gy Jus­tice won a Google Adwords grant! This pro­vides us with an in-kind dona­tion of adver­tis­ing which we can use to increase our traf­fic and reach more people. Our ads will start show­ing up on the right hand side when you do search­es in Google for any terms that we tar­get (so long as…

  • Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection’s Pilot Project for Environmental Destruction

    On Thurs­day, March 23rd, exec­u­tive deputy sec­re­tary of the PA Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion, John Hines, hit send on an unan­tic­i­pat­ed and regres­sive email memo order­ing all Penn­syl­va­nia gas inspec­tors to stop issu­ing vio­la­tions against drillers with­out pri­or approval from polit­i­cal appointee Michael Krancer. The dra­mat­ic pol­i­cy change will effec­tive­ly sup­press “Notice of Vio­la­tions” (NOV)…

  • End the Climate Change Debate

    Late­ly I have noticed a lot of false equiv­a­lence in the media. What’s cra­zier still is the way they are often tout­ed as some­thing to be proud of. As though the cliché phrase “there are two sides to every sto­ry” were a gold­en rule for news­cast­ers to live by. I think that we need to…

  • New Year, New Work

    I hope you have been enjoy­ing the break, hol­i­days, win­ter weath­er and new year. New Year is prob­a­bly my favorite hol­i­day of the year, and it’s not just because of the par­ties. New Year is a time of seri­ous reflec­tion. A time to look back on the past year and con­sid­er what you did, and…

  • Power Shift Recruitment 2011

    Pow­er Shift is hap­pen­ing April 1–4 in DC this year! Sign up to be a coor­di­na­tor for your school or com­mu­ni­ty and learn more below! Please vis­it: Or don’t be shy and just shoot me an email at: Pow­er Shift 2011 Lets talk about Pow­er Shift 2011. Pow­er Shift is the name of an annu­al youth sum­mit focused on…

  • Mine. Yours. Ours.

    That was the cam­paign tagline some­one sug­gest­ed in the “How to Keep Them Out” strat­e­gy ses­sion of the 2010 Nation­al Peo­ple’s Oil and Gas Sum­mit in Pitts­bugh, PA (Nov. 19 and 20, 2010).  I jot­ted it down because I thought it would be a fit­ting slo­gan to allude to a cam­paign to slow, stop, and antag­o­nize the…