Category: Blog entry

  • Gas Leak at Thai Biomass Incinerator Investigated

    Gas Leak at Thai Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tor Investigated June 13, 2013. Source: MCOT, Pat­taya Mail TRANG, June 11 – Thai police con­tin­ued their inves­ti­ga­tion into a gas leak at a bio­mass pow­er plant which killed a New Zealand engi­neer and a Thai employ­ee in this south­ern province ear­ly yes­ter­day morning. Trang gov­er­nor Tirayuth Eiamtrakul led indus­tri­al engi­neers and…

  • VIDEO: Fire at Forest Energy pellet plant forces closure of US 60 in Arizona

    VIDEO: Fire at For­est Ener­gy pel­let plant forces clo­sure of US 60 in Arizona June 11, 2013. Source:  Link to video:

  • New Report spells out Potential Negative Impacts of Bioeconomy and Markets in Environmental Services on Women

    New Report Spells Out Poten­tial Neg­a­tive Impacts of Bioe­con­o­my and Mar­kets in Envi­ron­men­tal Ser­vices on Women June 12, 2013. Source: Glob­al For­est Coali­tion  A new report [1] by the Glob­al For­est Coali­tion [2] was launched at a side event on equi­ty in cli­mate mit­i­ga­tion poli­cies orga­nized by Gen­der­CC at the cli­mate talks in Bonn, Ger­many [3]. The report high­lights…

  • Garbage In, Garbage Out

    Garbage In, Garbage Out - by Mer­cedes Brugh One of the unan­swered ques­tions about the pyrolyza­tion garbage-to-elec­tric­i­ty pro­pos­al for Logans­port, Indi­ana has been about emissions. No proof has been offered about emis­sions. We have been told that the Pyrolyz­er plant will have to fol­low the “strictest emis­sions rules,” but that is no com­fort. Indi­ana con­sis­tent­ly ranks among the…

  • Facts Needed on Penrose, NC Biomass Proposal

    - by Rick and Jean­nie Falknor Tran­syl­va­nia Coun­ty res­i­dents deserve all the facts about the pro­posed bio­fu­el plant at the air­port site in Pen­rose [North Car­oli­na], espe­cial­ly the neg­a­tive impacts such a busi­ness can have on our county. First, bio­mass pow­er gen­er­a­tion is a dirty indus­try. Accord­ing to a Wall Street Jour­nal-cit­ed study con­duct­ed in ear­ly…

  • Report: Tree Plantations in the South to Generate Energy in the North

    Report: Tree Plan­ta­tions in the South to Gen­er­ate Ener­gy in the North -by Rachel Smolker It is always help­ful to hear the per­spec­tive of peo­ple in the “glob­al south,” espe­cial­ly when it is their land in the trop­ics that is so often tar­get­ed as a source of bio­mass ener­gy for the “north.” World Rain­for­est Move­ment (WRM) has been…

  • An Anti-Biomass Movement Beyond Borders

    -  Ener­gy Jus­tice Network [graph­ic: Steve Adams Illus­tra­tion] The grass­roots bio­mass resis­tance has come a long way over the years and it’s grow­ing stronger every day. A mere five years ago few peo­ple even ques­tioned the log­ic of clas­si­fy­ing pol­lut­ing bio­mass ener­gy along­side smoke­stack-free ener­gy sources like solar and wind. Most envi­ron­men­tal groups hailed bioen­er­gy as…

  • Biomass Moratorium for Brevard County, North Carolina

    Bio­mass Mora­to­ri­um for Bre­vard Coun­ty, North Carolina - by Kim­ber­ly King, August 2, 2013. Source: WLOS Mon­day night at the Bre­vard coun­ty cour­t­house the gallery broke in in rau­cous applause after Tran­syl­va­nia Com­mis­sion­ers vot­ed for a one-year mora­to­ri­um that effec­tive­ly stopped plans for a Bio­mass plant on pri­vate prop­er­ty in Pen­rose at the airport.  “They lis­tened to…

  • Report: “Unintended Consequences” from Biomass Boom

    Report: “Unin­tend­ed Con­se­quences” from Bio­mass Boom  - by Josh Schlossberg Add anoth­er one to the stack of stud­ies shat­ter­ing the bio­mass industry’s illu­sion of car­bon neu­tral­i­ty. One would assume that the sci­en­tif­ic community’s repeat­ed debunk­ing of the alleged cli­mate ben­e­fits of bio­mass would already have knocked the pol­lut­ing ener­gy source off its “green” pedestal. How­ev­er, in…

  • Campaigners Challenge Environment Agency

    Cam­paign­ers Chal­lenge Envi­ron­ment Agency - by The Breathe Clean Air Group  Traf­ford, UK-based Breathe Clean Air Group has chal­lenged the Envi­ron­ment Agency over a seri­ous irreg­u­lar­i­ty in issu­ing the con­tro­ver­sial Bar­ton Renew­able Ener­gy Plant in Greater Man­ches­ter, with an Envi­ron­men­tal Permit. Group Chair­man Pete Kil­vert has writ­ten to Sec­re­tary of State for Com­mu­ni­ties and Local Gov­ern­ment, Eric Pick­les claim­ing that the Envi­ron­ment Agency…