Category: Blog entry

  • UK Wood Pellet Port Catches Fire

    UK Wood Pel­let Port Catch­es Fire Octo­ber 11, 2013. Source: The Shields Gazette PORT of Tyne boss­es have said a river­side blaze that sparked a major fire alert is now under con­trol.About 50 fire­fight­ers were called to the Port at around 3pm on Fri­day to tack­le a blaze in a stor­age shed con­tain­ing bio­mass pellets. A spokes­woman…

  • Biomass Energy Takes Share of $7 Billion in U.S. Army Contracts

    Bio­mass ener­gy takes share of $7 bil­lion in U.S. Army contracts - by Anna Simet, Sep­tem­ber 24, 2013. Source: Bio­mass Magazine Out of 52 bids sub­mit­ted to acquire a share of $7 bil­lion in ener­gy con­tracts offered by the U.S. Army, 13 bio­mass com­pa­nies have been selected. Con­tract awardees include Acciona Ener­gy North Amer­i­ca Corp., Chica­go, Ill.;…

  • Fire Erupts at Missouri Wood Pellet Facility

    Fire erupts at the MFA Bio­mass plant in Aurora - by Paula More­house, Octo­ber 13, 2013. Source: KY3 Bio­mass plant in Aurora The state fire mar­shal is inves­ti­gat­ing a fire on Sun­day at the MFA Bio­mass plant in Auro­ra, Missouri.  The own­er told KY3 News no one was hurt in the fire. The facil­i­ty was not in…

  • Speak Up On “National Bioenergy Truth Day” – Thursday, October 17

    Speak Up On “Nation­al Bioen­er­gy Truth Day” – Thurs­day, Octo­ber 17  Please take 5 min­utes of your time on Thurs­day, Octo­ber 17 to make phone calls to select mem­bers of the U.S. Sen­ate Com­mit­tee on Ener­gy and Nat­ur­al Resources (list­ed below with talk­ing points) to voice your oppo­si­tion to the lat­est piece of leg­is­la­tion that would open the…

  • Wood Pellet Facility Threatens Southern Forests

    New Maps Reveal Enviva’s Ahoskie Wood Pel­let Facil­i­ty Threat­ens South­ern Wet­land Forests, Sur­round­ing Ecosys­tems and Wildlife - August 27, 2013. Source: Dog­wood Alliance AHOSKIE, N.C. (August 27, 2013) – New maps and a report released today by the Nat­ur­al Resources Defense Coun­cil (NRDC) and Dog­wood Alliance reveal the eco­log­i­cal threat a major wood pel­let man­u­fac­tur­ing mill in…

  • Wood Pellet Facility Creates Dust Issue

    Wood Pel­let Facil­i­ty Cre­ates Dust Issue - by Lin­da Rus­sell, Sep­tem­ber 3, 2013. Source: KY3 SPRINGFIELD, Mo.– Grow­ing pro­duc­tion at a pel­let plant in Auro­ra means more jobs.  But peo­ple who live near­by say it also means a lot more saw­dust, so much that it’s hurt­ing air qual­i­ty there. MFA Oil Bio­mass opened the pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty on Auro­ra’s north­west…

  • Wood Pellet Facility Creates Dust Issue

    Wood Pel­let Facil­i­ty Cre­ates Dust Issue - by Lin­da Rus­sell, Sep­tem­ber 3, 2013. Source: KY3 SPRINGFIELD, Mo.– Grow­ing pro­duc­tion at a pel­let plant in Auro­ra means more jobs.  But peo­ple who live near­by say it also means a lot more saw­dust, so much that it’s hurt­ing air qual­i­ty there. MFA Oil Bio­mass opened the pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty on Auro­ra’s north­west…

  • European Biofuels Vote Delivers ‘Desperately Weak Compromise’

    Euro­pean Bio­fu­els Vote Deliv­ers ‘Des­per­ate­ly Weak Compromise’ - by Karl Math­iesen, Sep­tem­ber 11, 2013. Source: The Guardian The Euro­pean par­lia­ment has deliv­ered a “des­per­ate­ly weak com­pro­mise” on the future of bio­fu­els in Europe that indus­try says will “cur­tail jobs and investment”. In a tight vote on the use of bio­fu­els in trans­port fuel, the par­lia­ment approved a 6% cap on the…

  • Biofuels Project Pushing Thousands of People into Hunger in Africa

    Bio­fu­els Project Push­ing Thou­sands of Peo­ple into Hunger in Africa - Sep­tem­ber 4, 2013. Source: ActionAid A bio­fu­els project praised by the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion as envi­ron­men­tal­ly and social­ly respon­si­ble is push­ing thou­sands of peo­ple into pover­ty in one of the poor­est coun­tries in the world, a new Action­Aid report said today. The report comes as MEPs pre­pare to…

  • Florida Forest Service Report on Forest Sustainability Challenged

    Flori­da For­est Ser­vice Report on For­est Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Challenged - by Bruce Ritchie, Sep­tem­ber 6, 2013. Source: The Flori­da Current A Flori­da For­est Ser­vice report required by 2012 leg­is­la­tion found that the state’s forests over­all are sus­tain­able but there are some coun­ties where some types of trees are being har­vest­ed faster than they are being grown. The report was required by HB…