Category: Blog entry

  • Zero Waste Hierarchy

    You’ve prob­a­bly heard the term Zero Waste before, but not been sure about what it meant The peer-reviewed def­i­n­i­tion of Zero Waste by Zero Waste Inter­na­tion­al Alliance involves “design­ing and man­ag­ing prod­ucts and process­es to sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly avoid and elim­i­nate the vol­ume and tox­i­c­i­ty of waste and mate­ri­als, con­serve and recov­er all resources, and not burn or bury them.” Notice…

  • On Biomass, EPA Should Follow the Science

    Oth­er than the author’s sup­port for so-called “sus­tain­able” bio­mass, over­all a decent piece. — Josh - by William H. Schlesinger, June 18, 2014, The Hill In America’s South­east­ern states, there’s a boom­ing ener­gy trend that’s as big a step back­ward as imaginable. In fact, it stretch­es back to the time of cave­men. Pow­er com­pa­nies are burn­ing trees…

  • Solar Power Heats 90% of Community’s Homes…in Canada

    - Drake Land­ing Solar Community The Drake Land­ing Solar Com­mu­ni­ty (DLSC) is a mas­ter planned neigh­bour­hood in the Town of Oko­toks, Alber­ta, Cana­da that has suc­cess­ful­ly inte­grat­ed Cana­di­an ener­gy effi­cient tech­nolo­gies with a renew­able, unlim­it­ed ener­gy source — the sun. The first of its kind in North Amer­i­ca, DLSC is heat­ed by a dis­trict sys­tem designed to…

  • EPA: Carbon Rules Could Ensure Nuclear Power’s Survival

    [Anoth­er rea­son why the dirty ener­gy resis­tance needs to band togeth­er. ‑Josh] - by Julie Wer­nau, June 18, 2014, Chica­go Tribune Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency Admin­is­tra­tor Gina McCarthy said Tues­day that the fed­er­al agen­cy’s pro­posed car­bon rules are designed to boost nuclear plants that are strug­gling to compete. “There are a hand­ful of nuclear facil­i­ties that because…

  • Radioactive Leaks Found at 75% of US Nuke Sites

    - Asso­ci­at­ed Press, June 21, 2011, CBS Radioac­tive tri­tium has leaked from three-quar­ters of U.S. com­mer­cial nuclear pow­er sites, often into ground­wa­ter from cor­rod­ed, buried pip­ing, an Asso­ci­at­ed Press inves­ti­ga­tion shows. The num­ber and sever­i­ty of the leaks has been esca­lat­ing, even as fed­er­al reg­u­la­tors extend the licens­es of more and more reac­tors across the nation. Tri­tium,…

  • Biomass Combustion: Harmful on any Scale

    - by Cathy Baiton, Only Clean Air In the same way that indus­tri­al bio­mass com­bus­tion can seri­ous­ly jeop­ar­dize pub­lic health and the envi­ron­ment in com­mu­ni­ties, res­i­den­tial and small­er-scale com­mer­cial bio­mass burn­ing also have adverse impacts on health and air qual­i­ty in neighborhoods. In many cities and towns, increased wood burn­ing, both indoor and out­door, has become a…

  • Energy Justice Now — A Forum for the Dirty Energy Resistance [June 2014]

    Check out the inau­gur­al June 2014 issue of Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work’s new pub­li­ca­tion, Ener­gy Jus­tice Now! In the June issue of Ener­gy Jus­tice Now (a forum for the dirty ener­gy resistance): -“Why Sol­i­dar­i­ty is Need­ed More Than Ever between Coal, Gas and Incin­er­a­tor Fight­ers” -“Pub­lic Lands, Dirty Ener­gy” -“On the Dirty Ener­gy Pol­i­cy Front” …and more!!! Please share the June 2014 issue…

  • On the Dirty Energy Policy Front

    by Mike Ewall, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network While Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work’s work is main­ly focused on help­ing you win grass­roots vic­to­ries, we’ve had to weigh in on some state and nation­al poli­cies that would have major con­se­quences for how many bad ideas need to be fought. Mis­guid­ed poli­cies aim­ing to lim­it coal or cli­mate pol­lu­tion con­tin­ue…

  • Why Solidarity is Needed More than Ever between Coal, Gas and Incinerator Fighters

    - by Mike Ewall, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network Most progress in stop­ping pol­lut­ing ener­gy and waste indus­tries is accom­plished by grass­roots activism, stop­ping one project at a time. Many assume that grass­roots groups are “NIMBY” types just push­ing pol­luters from one com­mu­ni­ty to anoth­er. How­ev­er, 50% to 95% of each wave of indus­tri­al devel­op­ment in recent decades has…

  • Biomass and Gas Incinerator Proposed for Vermont Yankee Nuke Site

    - by Mike Faher, June 3, 2014, Brat­tle­boro Reformer Select­board mem­bers are tout­ing the poten­tial ben­e­fits of new bio­mass pow­er plant — with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a nat­ur­al-gas com­po­nent — that could be built at the Ver­mont Yan­kee site after the nuclear facil­i­ty shuts. Offi­cials expect to orga­nize a pub­lic forum to dis­cuss the dee­tails of a…