Category: Blog entry

  • Bulgarians Blockade Road to Protest Proposed Biomass Incinerator

    - Sep­tem­ber 22, 2014, Res­i­dents of the south­ern Bul­gar­i­an city of Smolyan have staged a brief road block to oppose plans to build a bio­mass-fired ther­mal pow­er plant. Res­i­dents of the Usto­vo dis­trict of Smolyan blocked traf­fic along the Smolyan – Madan road for some 10 min­utes on Mon­day, accord­ing to reports of the Bul­gar­i­an Tele­graph Agency and Cap­i­tal Daily. The pro­test­ers demand…

  • Forest Service and Collaboratives Garden Our Forests

    - by George Wuerth­n­er, Sep­tem­ber 25, 2014, The Wildlife News If the pub­lic real­ly under­stood the illog­ic behind For­est Ser­vice polices, includ­ing those endorsed by for­est col­lab­o­ra­tives, I am cer­tain there would be more oppo­si­tion to cur­rent For­est Ser­vice policies. First, most FS tim­ber sales lose mon­ey. They are a net loss to tax­pay­ers. After the…

  • Are Biomass Incinerators Gobbling Up Firewood?

    [While we are cer­tain­ly not advo­cat­ing for any form of burn­ing, includ­ing fire­wood, it’s inter­est­ing how the bio­mass indus­try com­petes with itself. ‑Ed.] - by Anna Simet, Octo­ber 03, 2014, Bio­mass Magazine Last week, I blogged about the pel­let avail­abil­i­ty sit­u­a­tion in the North­east (the “short­age” last year, what might hap­pen this year, etc.) What I…

  • 300 Fracked Gas Power Plants Proposed in 45 States: Any Near You? [Energy Justice Now, Sept. 2014]

    Ready or not, here it comes: the Sep­tem­ber issue of Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work’s new pub­li­ca­tion, Ener­gy Jus­tice Now! Inside this issue: - “Why We Must Fight Gas-Fired Pow­er Plants” - “Ener­gy Jus­tice Sum­mer: Stand­ing With Com­mu­ni­ties in the Shale­fields” - “What the Frack? Scrap­ing the Bot­tom of the Oil Bar­rel” …and more!!! Please share the Sep­tem­ber 2014 issue of Ener­gy Jus­tice Now with your friends,…

  • Unforeseen Dioxin Formation in Waste Incineration

    - by  Ingrid Söder­bergh, Sep­tem­ber 18, 2014, Diox­ins forms faster, at low­er tem­per­a­tures and under oth­er con­di­tions than pre­vi­ous­ly thought. This may affect how we in the future con­struct sam­pling equip­ment, flue gas fil­ter­ing sys­tems for waste incin­er­a­tion and how to treat waste incin­er­a­tion fly ash. These are some of the con­clu­sions Eva Wei­de­mann draws…

  • Why We Must Fight Gas-fired Power Plants

    - by Mike Ewall, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network The Ban Ki Moon U.N. Cli­mate Sum­mit is short­ly com­ing to New York City. As we march and teach work­shops at cli­mate con­ver­gences, the media is like­ly to focus on the sto­ry of the Oba­ma administration’s “Clean Pow­er Plan” mov­ing us away from coal in order to mit­i­gate cli­mate change. The sto­ry won’t be told…

  • Biomass Incinerators Sue Feds for $22 Million

    - by Maeusz Perkosw­ki, Sep­tem­ber 16, 2014, Cap­i­tal Press Two bio­mass facil­i­ties in Cal­i­for­nia that use agri­cul­tur­al waste to gen­er­ate elec­tric­i­ty claim the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment owes them about $22 million. The plain­tiffs — Amper­sand Chow­chilla Bio­mass and Merced Pow­er — claim the U.S. Trea­sury Depart­ment is wrong­ly with­hold­ing funds from an eco­nom­ic stim­u­lus pro­gram that helps pay…

  • Springfield, MA Mayor Blocks Appeal Against Biomass Incinerator

    - by Paul Tuthill, Sep­tem­ber 12, 2014, WAMC The may­or of Spring­field, Mass­a­chu­setts won’t autho­rize an appeal to block con­struc­tion of a wood-burn­ing pow­er plant. A spokesman for May­or Domenic Sarno said the may­or will not approve funds to appeal a court rul­ing that ordered the city to rein­state the build­ing per­mit for the bio­mass project.  The…

  • US Forest Service Moves to Start Clearcutting in Rim Fire Area

    - by Chad Han­son, August 28, 2014, Earth Island Jour­nal  [How much of the forests that expe­ri­enced the Rim Fire will be feed­ing bio­mass incin­er­a­tors? ‑Ed.] The US For­est Ser­vice issued a draft deci­sion yes­ter­day for a mas­sive post-fire log­ging project in the Stanis­laus Nation­al For­est por­tion of the 2013 Cal­i­for­nia Rim Fire, which cov­ered 257,171 acres…

  • Springfield, MA City Council Votes to Appeal Biomass Permit Ruling

    - by Ryan Trow­bridge, Sep­tem­ber 10, 2014, WGGB Wednes­day night, the Spring­field City Coun­cil took up the con­tentious issue of a planned bio­mass incin­er­a­tor in the city. Oppo­nents claim the plant would only add more pol­lu­tion to an already pol­lut­ed city, but the state just ruled Spring­field does not have the author­i­ty to stop its development. It’s…