Category: Blog entry

  • Florida Waste Company Seeks to Close Incinerator, Transfer Trash

    - by Brit­tany Wall­man, Decem­ber 9, 2014, Sun Sen­tinel Neigh­bors of the “Mount Trash­more” land­fill in north­ern Broward descend­ed on Coun­ty Hall Tues­day, wor­ried about plans to close a trash-burn­ing incin­er­a­tor in the region. Hun­dreds piled into Coun­ty Com­mis­sion cham­bers, some hav­ing arrived on a bus from the Wyn­moor Vil­lage senior con­do coum­mu­ni­ty in Coconut Creek.…

  • 50-Megawatt Biomass Incinerator Completed in Woodville, Texas

    - Octo­ber 28, 2014, Glas­ton­bury con­struc­tion firm Gem­ma Pow­er Sys­tems has com­plet­ed the 49.9 megawatt con­struc­tion of a bio­mass plant in Woodville, Texas, three months ahead of schedule. The plant to be run by the East Texas Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive will oper­ate on chipped for­est waste. Con­struc­tion of the facil­i­ty began in 2012. Finan­cial terms were not…

  • 34-Megawatt Biomass Incinerator Proposed for Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

    -  by Andy Bal­askovitz, Novem­ber 10, 2014, Mid­west Ener­gy News Devel­op­ers from metro Detroit have plans to build a $100 mil­lion, 34 MW bio­mass plant in the cen­tral Upper Penin­su­la, about 20 miles south of an aging coal plant that is the ongo­ing focus of the region’s ener­gy crisis. The com­pa­ny build­ing the plant, Mar­quette Green Ener­gy LLC, says it would…

  • October/November issue of Energy Justice Now | Where the Climate March Tripped Up

    Take a deep breath and pre­pare your­self for the Octo­ber / Novem­ber issue of Ener­gy Jus­tice Now, a forum for the dirty ener­gy resistance. Fos­sil Fuel Divestment - Fos­sil Fuel Divest­ment: How to Evolve the Campaign -  Are Car­bon Tax­es Anoth­er False Solution? -  Bio­mass Ener­gy: Anoth­er Kind of Cli­mate Change Denial …and more! Please share the Octo­ber /…

  • UMaine to Study “Trashanol” Effect in Maine

    - by Grady Trim­ble,  Octo­ber 24, 2014, WLBZ A team of Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine researchers are gear­ing up to study the pos­si­bil­i­ty of bring­ing new tech­nol­o­gy called “Trashanol” to Maine. “Trashanol” is a waste-to-ener­gy tech­nol­o­gy devel­oped by Mary­land-based com­pa­ny Fiberight. Basi­cal­ly, it is a process that con­verts house­hold waste into fuel. The tech­nol­o­gy is spark­ing inter­est in East­ern…

  • Lockheed Martin Inks Agreement with Waste-of-Energy Firm

    - by Eric Rein­hardt, Octo­ber 13, 2014, Busi­ness Jour­nal News Network OWEGO, N.Y. — Lock­heed Mar­tin Corp. (NYSE: LMT) has signed a man­u­fac­tur­ing agree­ment with Con­cord Blue Ener­gy, Inc. to pro­vide all man­u­fac­tur­ing sup­port for the firm’s reformertechnology. That tech­nol­o­gy con­verts waste to ener­gy using advanced con­ver­sion technology. Lock­heed Mar­tin is now the “exclu­sive man­u­fac­tur­ing provider”…

  • Biomass Investigative Review Will Begin Soon in Gainesville, FL

    - Octo­ber 16, 2014, WCJB It’s offi­cial — an inves­tiga­tive review into deci­sions made between GRU and GREC offi­cials will soon begin. City offi­cials vot­ed to approve the con­tract to begin the review that will ques­tion deci­sions made relat­ing to the bio­mass plant. The city will be shelling out close to $190,000 for the review. Addi­tion­al costs will…

  • $91 Million Taxpayer Dollars to Fund Louisiana Biofuel Plant

    - Cole Avery, Octo­ber 3, 2014, The Times-Picayune Tom Vil­sack, the sec­re­tary of the U.S. Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture, announced a $91 mil­lion loan guar­an­tee from the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to help build a bio­mass fuel plant in Louisiana. Vil­sack trav­eled to Baton Rouge on Fri­day to make the announce­ment. He said the plant could have a “pro­found…

  • Lakeview Biofuel Plant Proposal Raises Air Quality Concerns

    - Sep­tem­ber 25, 2014, Ore­gon Pub­lic Broadcasting A project pro­posed in Lake­view, Ore­gon, would turn woody bio­mass from log­ging into bio­fu­els for South­west Air­lines, the U.S. Navy and Marines. The bio­fu­el would have few­er green­house gas emis­sions than tra­di­tion­al jet fuel and diesel, but some wor­ry the project might add to exist­ing air qual­i­ty prob­lems in…

  • The Forest Service and Collaboratives Garden Our Forests

    - by George Wuerth­n­er, Sep­tem­ber, 25, 2014, The Wildlife News If the pub­lic real­ly under­stood the illog­ic behind For­est Ser­vice man­age­ment, includ­ing those endorsed by for­est col­lab­o­ra­tives, I am cer­tain there would be more oppo­si­tion to cur­rent For­est Ser­vice policies. First, most FS tim­ber sales lose mon­ey. They are a net loss to tax­pay­ers. After the…