Biomass Library — Scientific Reports


HUMAN HEALTH (Peer Reviewed Studies)

Par­tic­u­late and Gaseous Emis­sions from the Com­bus­tion of Dif­fer­ent Bio­fu­els in a Pel­let Stove, Vicente et. al., Atmos­pher­ic Envi­ron­ment, Novem­ber 2015

Ambi­ent Par­tic­u­late Mat­ter Air Pol­lu­tion Expo­sure and Mor­tal­i­ty in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Cohort, Thurston et. al., Envi­ron­men­tal Health Per­spec­tives, Sep­tem­ber 2015

Bio­mass Burn­ing Emis­sions and Poten­tial Air Qual­i­ty Impacts of Volatile Organ­ic Com­pounds and Oth­er Trace Gas­es From Tem­per­ate Fuels Com­mon in the Unit­ed States, Gilman et. al., Atmos­pher­ic Chem­istry and Physics, August 2015

Reduc­ing the Neg­a­tive Human-Health Impacts of Bioen­er­gy Crop Emis­sions Through Region-Spe­cif­ic Crop Selec­tion, Porter et. al., Envi­ron­men­tal Research Let­ters, May 2015

Ethanol Refin­ing May Release More of Some Pol­lu­tants Than Pre­vi­ous­ly Thought, Amer­i­can Geo­phys­i­cal Union, Sci­enceDai­ly, May 2015

Long-Term Expo­sure to Air Pol­lu­tion May Pose Risk to Brain Struc­ture, Cog­ni­tive Func­tions, Beth Israel Dea­coness Med­ical Cen­ter, Sci­ence Dai­ly, April 2015

Real-Time Chem­i­cal Com­po­si­tion Analy­sis of Par­tic­u­late Emis­sions from Wood­chip Com­bus­tion, Kor­te­lainen et. al., Amer­i­can Chem­i­cal Soci­ety, Jan­u­ary 2015

Autism Spec­trum Dis­or­der and Par­tic­u­late Mat­ter Air Pol­lu­tion before, dur­ing, and after Preg­nan­cy, Raz et. al., Envi­ron­men­tal Health Per­spec­tives, Decem­ber 2014

Emis­sions of Fine Par­ti­cle Flu­o­ride from Bio­mass Burn­ing, Jayarathne et. al., Envi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence and Tech­nol­o­gy, Octo­ber 2014

Release of Chlo­rine and Sul­fur dur­ing Bio­mass Tor­refac­tion and Pyrol­y­sis, Saleh et. al., Amer­i­can Chem­i­cal Soci­ety, May 2014

Air Pol­lu­tion from Incin­er­a­tors and Repro­duc­tive Out­comes, Can­dela et. al., Epi­demi­ol­o­gy, Novem­ber 2013

Short-term expo­sure to par­tic­u­late mat­ter con­stituents and mor­tal­i­ty in a nation­al study of U.S. urban com­mu­ni­ties, Krall et. al., Envi­ron­men­tal Health Per­spec­tives, August 2013

Strong Link Between Dia­betes and Air Pol­lu­tion Found in Nation­al U.S. Study, Brown­stein, Sci­ence Dai­ly, Sep­tem­ber 2010

Reduc­ing The Stag­ger­ing Costs Of Envi­ron­men­tal Dis­ease In Chil­dren, Trasande and Liu, Health Affairs, 2008

Air Pol­lu­tion Com­bus­tion Emis­sions: Char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of Causative Agents and Mech­a­nisms Asso­ci­at­ed with Can­cer, Repro­duc­tive, and Car­dio­vas­cu­lar Effects, Lew­tas, Sci­ence Direct, August 2007

Can­cer Risk Assess­ment, Indi­ca­tors, and Guide­lines for Poly­cyclic Aro­mat­ic Hydro­car­bons in the Ambi­ent AirBostrom et. al., Envi­ron­men­tal Health Per­spec­tives, 2002

Mea­sure­ments of new par­ti­cle for­ma­tion and ultra­fine par­ti­cle growth rates at a clean con­ti­nen­tal site, Weber et. al., Jour­nal of Geo­phys­i­cal Research Atmos­pheres, Feb­ru­ary 1997

CLIMATE (Peer Reviewed Studies)

Thin­ning Com­bined with Bio­mass Ener­gy Pro­duc­tion May Increase, Rather Than Reduce, Car­bon Emis­sions, Del­laSala and Koop­man, Geos Insti­tute, Novem­ber 2015

Influ­ence of Dif­fer­ent Tree-Har­vest­ing Inten­si­ties on For­est Soil Car­bon Stocks in Bore­al and North­ern Tem­per­ate For­est Ecosys­tems, Clarke et. al., For­est Ecol­o­gy and Man­age­ment, Sep­tem­ber 2015

Rethink­ing For­est Car­bon Assess­ments to Account for Pol­i­cy Insti­tu­tions, Mac­In­tosh et. al., Nature Cli­mate Change, June 2015

Life Cycle Impacts of Bio­mass Elec­tric­i­ty in 2020: Sce­nar­ios for Assess­ing the Green­house Gas Impacts and Ener­gy Input Require­ments of Using North Amer­i­can Woody Bio­mass for Elec­tric­i­ty Gen­er­a­tion in the UK, Stephen­son and MacK­ay, Depart­ment of Ener­gy and Cli­mate Change, July 2014

Wood Not So Green a Bio­fu­el? Log­ging may have greater impact on car­bon emis­sions than pre­vi­ous­ly thought, Buch­holz, Fried­land, et. al., Glob­al Change Biol­o­gy-Bioen­er­gy, June 2013

Bio­fu­els and Cli­mate Change Mit­i­ga­tion: A CGE Analy­sis Incor­po­rat­ing Land-Use Change, Tim­ilsi­na and Mev­el, Envi­ron­men­tal and Resource Eco­nom­ics, May 2013

Cli­mate impacts of a large-scale bio­fu­els expan­sion, Hall­gren et. al., Geo­phys­i­cal Research Let­ters, April 2013

The out­come is in the assump­tions: ana­lyz­ing the effects on atmos­pher­ic CO2 lev­els of increased use of bioen­er­gy from for­est bio­mass, Holts­mark, Glob­al Change Biol­o­gy, 2012

Large-scale bioen­er­gy from addi­tion­al har­vest of for­est bio­mass is nei­ther sus­tain­able nor green­house gas neu­tral, Schulze et. al., Glob­al Change Bioen­er­gy, 2012

Bio­mass Fuel Har­vest­ing in the North­ern For­est: Effects on Stand Struc­tur­al Com­plex­i­ty and In Situ For­est Car­bon Stor­age, Kee­ton et. al, Uni­ver­si­ty of Ver­mont, Decem­ber 2012

Bio­genic vs. geo­log­ic car­bon emis­sions and for­est bio­mass ener­gy pro­duc­tion, Gunn, Ganz, Kee­ton, Glob­al Change Bioen­er­gy, May 2012

Post-Fire Sal­vage Log­ging Reduces Car­bon Seques­tra­tion in Mediter­ranean Conif­er­ous For­est, Ser­ra­no-Ortiz et. al., For­est Ecol­o­gy and Man­age­ment, Decem­ber 2011

For­est Health Ver­sus Glob­al Warm­ing: Fuel Reduc­tion Like to Increase Car­bon Emis­sions, Ore­gon State Uni­ver­si­ty, Sci­ence Dai­ly, Decem­ber 2011

Zero, One, or In Between: Eval­u­a­tion of Alter­na­tive Nation­al and Enti­ty-Lev­el Account­ing for Bioen­er­gy, Bird et. al., GCB Bioen­er­gy, Octo­ber 2011

Region­al car­bon diox­ide impli­ca­tions of for­est bioen­er­gy pro­duc­tion, Hudiberg et. al., Nature Cli­mate Change, July 2011

Impacts of Thin­ning on Car­bon Stores in the PNW: A Plot Lev­el Analy­sis, Clark et. al., Ore­gon State Uni­ver­si­ty, May 2011

For­est car­bon or for­est bioen­er­gy? Assess­ing trade-offs in GHG mit­i­ga­tion, McK­ech­nie et. al., April 2011

Car­bon Diox­ide Emis­sions from Bio­mass Com­bus­tion, Cheru­bi­ni et. al., Glob­al Change Bioen­er­gy, March 2011

Effects of for­est fire on car­bon emis­sions, cli­mate impacts often over­es­ti­mat­ed, Ore­gon State Uni­ver­si­ty, Sci­ence Dai­ly, Feb­ru­ary 2010

Fix­ing a Crit­i­cal Cli­mate Account­ing Error, Searchinger et. al., Sci­ence, Octo­ber 2009

FORESTS (Peer Reviewed Studies)

For­est Soil Car­bon is Threat­ened by Inten­sive Bio­mass Har­vest­ing, Achat et. al., Nature, Octo­ber 2015

Quan­ti­fy­ing Con­se­quences of Remov­ing Har­vest­ing Residues on For­est Soils and Tree Growth, Achat et. al., Sci­ence Direct, July 2015

Test­ing Pre­dic­tions of For­est Suc­ce­sion Using Long-Term Mea­sure­ment: 100 Years of Obser­va­tion in the Ore­gon Cas­cades, Har­mon and Pab­st, Jour­nal of Veg­e­ta­tion Sci­ence, Feb­ru­ary 2015

Bet-hedg­ing Dry-For­est Resilience to Cli­mate Change in the West­ern USA based on His­tor­i­cal For­est Struc­ture, Bak­er and Williams, Fron­tiers in Ecol­o­gy and Evo­lu­tion, Jan­u­ary 2015

Min­er­al Soil Car­bon Pool Respons­es to For­est Clear­ing in North­east­ern Hard­wood Forests, Petrenko et. al., Glob­al Change Biol­o­gy, Sep­tem­ber 2014

Trop­i­cal For­est Wood Pro­duc­tion: A Cross Con­ti­nen­tal Com­par­i­son, Ban­in et. al., Jour­nal of Ecol­o­gy, May 2014

Nutri­tion­al Hotspots and the Secret Life of Forests, Klu­beret. al., Sci­ence Find­ings, May 2014

Con­se­quences of Bio­di­ver­si­ty Loss for Lit­ter Decom­po­si­tion Across Bio­mes, Han­da et. al., Nature, May 2014

Large trees dri­ve for­est above­ground bio­mass vari­a­tion in moist low­land forests across the trop­ics, Slik et. al., Glob­al Ecol­o­gy and Bio­geog­ra­phy, July 2013

Tra­di­tion­al For­est Man­age­ment Reduces Fun­gal Diver­si­ty, Abrego-Antia and Sal­cedo-Lar­ralde, Sci­enceDai­ly, July 2013

If we build habi­tat, will they come? Woody debris struc­tures and con­ser­va­tion of for­est mam­mals, Sul­li­van et. al., Octo­ber 2012

Forests Store 40% of U.S. Fos­sil Fuel Car­bon Emis­sions, Xiao et al., Sci­ence Dai­ly, April 2011

For­est Bio­mass and Bioen­er­gy: Oppor­tu­ni­ties and Con­straints in the North­east­ern Unit­ed States, Cary Insti­tute of Ecosys­tem Stud­ies, Feb­ru­ary 2011

Car­bon changes in con­ter­mi­nous US forests asso­ci­at­ed with growth and major dis­tur­bances, Zheng et al., Env­i­ron Ress. Lett., 2011

A Large and Per­sis­tent Sink in the World’s Forests, Pan et al., Sci­ence, 2011

Trees Fil­ter More Pol­lu­tants Than Thought, Nation­al Sci­ence Foun­da­tion, Sci­ence Express, Octo­ber 2010

Effect of Pol­i­cy-Based Bioen­er­gy Demand on South­ern Tim­ber Mar­kets: A Case Study for North Car­oli­naSci­ence Direct, July 2010

Old-growth forests as glob­al car­bon sinks, Luys­saert et al., Nature, Sep­tem­ber 2008

WILDFIRE (Peer Reviewed Studies)

Fire Sever­i­ty Unaf­fect­ed by Spruce by Spruce Bee­tle Out­break in Spruce-Fir Forests in South­west­ern Col­orado, Andrus et. al., Eco­log­i­cal Soci­ety of Amer­i­ca, Octo­ber 2015

Does Wild­fire Like­li­hood Increase Fol­low­ing Insect Out­breaks in Conifer Forests? Meigs et. al., Ecos­phere, July 2015

Area Burned in the West­ern Unit­ed States is Unaf­fect­ed by Recent Moun­tain Pine Bee­tle Out­breaks, Hart et. al., PNAS, Feb­ru­ary 2015

The Role of Defen­si­ble Space for Res­i­den­tial Struc­ture Pro­tec­tion Dur­ing Wild­fires, Syphard et. al., Inter­na­tion­al Jour­nal of Wild­land Fire, Octo­ber 2014

Ten Years of Veg­e­ta­tion Assem­bly After a North Amer­i­can Mega Fire, Abel­la et. al., Glob­al Change Biol­o­gy, Sep­tem­ber 2014

His­tor­i­cal, Observed, and Mod­eled Wild­fire Sever­i­ty in Mon­tane Forests in the Col­orado Front Range, Sher­riff et. al., PLOS One, Sep­tem­ber 2014

Sever­i­ty of an Unchar­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly Large Wild­fire, the Rim Fire, in Forests with Rel­a­tive­ly Restored Fre­quent Fire Regimes, Lyder­sen et. al., For­est Ecol­o­gy and Man­age­ment, Sep­tem­ber 2014

Recent Moun­tain Pine Bee­tle Out­breaks, Wild­fire Sever­i­ty, and Post­fire Tree Regen­er­a­tion in the U.S. North­ern Rock­ies, Har­vey, PNAS, June 2014

Is Fire Sever­i­ty Increas­ing in the Sier­ra Neva­da, Cal­i­for­nia, USA? Han­son and Odi­on, Inter­na­tion­al Jour­nal of Wild­land Fire, Sep­tem­ber 2013

Spa­tial­ly exten­sive recon­struc­tions show vari­able-sever­i­ty fire and het­ero­ge­neous struc­ture in his­tor­i­cal west­ern Unit­ed States dry forests, Williams and Bak­er, Glob­al Ecol­o­gy and Bio­geol­o­gy, 2012

Recov­ery After Severe Fire in the Kla­math-Siskiy­ou: What Hap­pens With­out Plant­i­ng?, Hous­ton et. al., Fire Sci­ence Brief, May 2009

Objec­tives and Con­sid­er­a­tions for Wild­land Fuel Treat­ment in Forest­ed Ecosys­tems of the Inte­ri­or West­ern Unit­ed States, Rein­hardt et. al., For­est Ecol­o­gy and Man­age­ment, Sep­tem­ber 2008

Fire Prob­a­bil­i­ty, Fuel Treat­ment Effec­tive­ness and Eco­log­i­cal Trade­offs in West­ern U.S. Pub­lic Forests, Rhodes and Bak­er, Open For­est Sci­ence Jour­nal, 2008

Mod­i­fy Wild­fire Behav­ior — the Effec­tive­ness of Fuel Treat­ments, Carey and Schu­mann, Nation­al Com­mu­ni­ty Forestry Cen­ter, April 2003

LAND USE (Peer Reviewed Studies)

Lim­its to Sus­tain­able Use of Wood Bio­mass, Abolins and Gravi­tis, Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment, Knowl­edge Soci­ety, and Smart Future Man­u­fac­tur­ing Tech­nolo­gies World Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Series, April 2015

Com­par­ing Bioen­er­gy Pro­duc­tion Sites in the South­east­ern US Regard­ing Ecosys­tem Ser­vice Sup­ply and Demand, Mey­er et. al., PLOS, March 2015

Exist­ing Crop­land Could Feed Four Bil­lion More by Drop­ping Bio­fu­els and Ani­mal Feed, Cas­sidy et. al., Envi­ron­men­tal Research Let­ters, August 2013

WATER (Peer Reviewed Studies)

The Hid­den Costs of Elec­tric­i­ty: Com­par­ing the Hid­den Costs of Pow­er Gen­er­a­tion Fuels, Geoff Kei­th et. al., Synapse Ener­gy, Sep­tem­ber 2012

The Water Foot­print of Ener­gy from Bio­mass: A Quan­ti­ta­tive Assess­ment and Con­se­quences of an Increas­ing Share of Bio-ener­gy in Ener­gy Sup­ply, Ger­bens-Leenes et. al., Sci­ence Direct, August 2008

ECONOMICS (Peer Reviewed Studies)

The Effect of an Incin­er­a­tor Sit­ing on Hous­ing Appre­ci­a­tion Rates, Kiel and McLain, Jour­nal of Urban Eco­nom­ics, 1995

ASH (Peer Reviewed Studies)

Reuse of Woody Bio­mass Fly Ash in Cement-Based Mate­ri­als, Berra et. al., Con­struc­tion and Build­ing Mate­ri­als, Feb­ru­ary 2015

Effect of Waste Incin­er­a­tion and Gasi­fi­ca­tion Process­es on Heavy Met­al Dis­tri­b­u­tion, Wu, Ling, Zeng, Fuel Pro­cess­ing Tech­nol­o­gy, Sep­tem­ber 2014

From waste to raw material—the route from bio­mass to wood ash for cad­mi­um and oth­er heavy met­als, Nar­o­doslawsky and Oben­berg­er, Sci­ence Direct, August 1995




Woodsmoke: Reg­u­la­to­ry Fail­ure is Dam­ag­ing Pub­lic Health, Robin­son, Air Qual­i­ty and Cli­mate Change, Novem­ber 2014

PM 1 Air Pol­lu­tion is Most Harm­fulChi­na Dai­ly, Octo­ber 2013

Out­door Air Pol­lu­tion a Lead­ing Envi­ron­men­tal Cause of Can­cer Deaths, World Health Orga­ni­za­tion, Octo­ber 2013

NASA Map Illus­trates Air Pol­lu­tion Mor­tal­i­ty RatesEarth Obser­va­to­ry, Sep­tem­ber 2013

Air Pol­lu­tion and the Gut: Are Fine Par­ti­cles Linked to Bow­el Dis­ease? Envi­ron­men­tal Health News, Sep­tem­ber 2013

Air Pol­lu­tion and Ear­ly Deaths in the Unit­ed States, Caiaz­zo et. al., Atmos­pher­ic Envi­ron­ment, Sep­tem­ber 2013

Let­ter to US Sen­a­tor Ron Wyden from 85 Orga­ni­za­tions Con­cerned with Bio­mass Health Impacts, June 2013

Lessons on Drought and Pol­lu­tion from the For­got­ten Three Bil­lion: An Indi­ana Case Study on Using Bio­mass Crops for Gen­er­at­ing Elec­tric­i­ty, Kristin Shrad­er-Frechette and B.N. Kun­y­cky, Uni­ver­si­ty of Notre Dame, March 2013

Com­ments on Pro­posed Bio­mass Ener­gy and Waste-to-Ener­gy Mora­to­ri­um Bylaw, Green­field, MA, Amer­i­can Lung Asso­ci­a­tion in Mass­a­chu­setts, March 2013

Bio­mass Ener­gy in Penn­syl­va­nia: Impli­ca­tions for Air Qual­i­ty, Car­bon Emis­sions, and Forests, Part­ner­ship for Pol­i­cy Integri­ty for The Heinz Endow­ments, Decem­ber 2012

Human Health Effects of Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tors, Con­gres­sion­al Brief­ing, Sep­tem­ber 2012

Emis­sions from for­est fires, bio­mass burn­ing worse than thought, July 2012

Tes­ti­mo­ny on H.648 Ver­mont Renew­able Ener­gy Port­fo­lio Stan­dards, April 2012

Pro­posed Bio­mass Plant is a Health Threat, by Marc J. Yacht, MD, Tam­pa Bay Times, 2012

Amer­i­can Lung Asso­ci­a­tion in Ver­mont com­ments on bio­mass, Rebec­ca Ryan, Decem­ber 2011

Sav­ing Lives and Reduc­ing Health Care Costs: How Clean Air Rules Ben­e­fit the Nation, Trust for America’s Health and Envi­ron­men­tal Defense Fund, Novem­ber 2011

Sec­ond Opin­ion: The Med­ical Pro­fes­sion Diag­noses Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tion, Therese Vick, Blue Ridge Envi­ron­men­tal Defense League, Novem­ber 2011

Pedi­a­tri­cian Wor­ried about Bio­mass Air Pol­lu­tion, Nor­ma Kreilein, MD, August 2011

Air Pol­lu­tion Linked to Learn­ing and Mem­o­ry Prob­lems, Depres­sion, Sun et. al., Sci­ence Dai­ly, July 2011

Amer­i­can Lung Asso­ci­a­tion Pub­lic Pol­i­cy on Ener­gy, Amer­i­can Lung Asso­ci­a­tion, June 2011

Dis­crim­i­na­to­ry Health Impacts of Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tor Pro­pos­al for Port St. Joe, Flori­da, NAACP, May 2011

Air Pol­lu­tion May Trig­ger Heart AttacksWeb­MD Health News, Feb­ru­ary 2011

Bio­mass is Dirty Busi­ness, Alec Kalla, 2011

Can­cer: an old dis­ease, a new dis­ease or some­thing in between?, David and Zim­mer­man, Nature Reviews, Octo­ber 2010

Lati­nos: “Stop Attacks On Pro­tect­ing Our Children’s Health”,Voces VerdesOcto­ber 2010

Let­ter to Pres­i­dent Oba­ma and Con­gress oppos­ing bio­mass incin­er­a­tor in Val­dos­ta, Geor­gia, Val­dos­ta-Lown­des NAACP, Sep­tem­ber 2010

Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tors: Sep­a­rat­ing Fact from Fic­tion, Dr. Tom Ter­mot­to, Coali­tion Against Chem­i­cal Tres­pass, Amer­i­can Chron­i­cle, July 2010

The Price of Pol­lu­tion, Michi­gan Net­work for Children’s Envi­ron­men­tal Health, June 2010

Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Fam­i­ly Physi­cians Oppos­es Bio­mass Burn­ing, Dou­glas Hen­ley, MD, April 2010

Black infant mor­tal­i­ty in Gads­den Coun­ty, Flori­da, Edward Holifield, MD, Feb­ru­ary 2010

Com­plex Mix­tures of Air Pol­lu­tants: Char­ac­ter­iz­ing the Can­cer Risk of Poly­cylic Organ­ic Mat­ter, Lew­tas, Envi­ron­men­tal Health Per­spec­tives, 1993

Res­i­den­tial Wood Com­bus­tion Study, U.S. Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency, Air and Tox­i­cs Divi­sion, August 1984

Bio­mass and Par­tic­u­late Mat­ter, Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency


Bio­mas­sacre: How log­ging Aus­trali­a’s native forests for bioen­er­gy harms the cli­mate, wildlife, and peo­ple, Mar­kets for Change, April 2013

Dirt­i­er than Coal: Why gov­ern­ment plans to sub­sidise burn­ing trees are bad news for the plan­et, Roy­al Soci­ety for the Preser­va­tion of Birds, Friends of the Earth, Green­peace, Novem­ber 2012

The Use of Whole Trees in Wood Pel­let Man­u­fac­tur­ing, Dog­wood Alliance, Novem­ber 2012

The Car­bon Foot­print of Elec­tric­i­ty from Bio­mass: A Review of the Cur­rent State of Sci­ence and Pol­i­cy, Synapse Ener­gy, June 2012

Noth­ing Neu­tral Here: Large-scale bio­mass sub­si­dies in the UK and the role of the EU ETS, Car­bon Trade Watch, May 2012

Bio­mass Sup­ply and Car­bon Account­ing for South­east­ern Forests, Nation­al Wildlife Fed­er­a­tion, Feb­ru­ary 2012

South­east bio­mass has car­bon spike before long-term car­bon ben­e­fits, South­ern Envi­ron­men­tal Law Cen­ter, Feb­ru­ary 2012

Cli­mate Sci­en­tists Debunk Car­bon Neu­tral­i­ty of Bio­mass Pow­er, Searchinger, Har­mon, Moomaw, Feb­ru­ary 2011

EPA Sci­en­tif­ic Advi­so­ry Board Car­bon Diox­ide Account­ing for Emis­sions from Bio­genic Sources, Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency, 2011

The New Bio­massters: Syn­thet­ic biol­o­gy and the next assault on bio­di­ver­si­ty and liveli­hoods, Smolk­er, Ern­st­ing, Rhugani, ETC Group, Octo­ber 2010

Manomet Study Under­es­ti­mates Bio­mass Impacts, Mass­a­chu­setts For­est Watch, July 2010

Review of the Manomet Bio­mass Sus­tain­abil­i­ty and Car­bon Pol­i­cy Study, Clean Air Task Force, July 2010

Bio­mass Sus­tain­abil­i­ty and Car­bon Pol­i­cy Study, Manomet Cen­ter for Con­ser­va­tion Sci­ences, June 2010

Clearcut Dis­as­ter: Car­bon Loop­hole Threat­ens U.S. For­est, Envi­ron­men­tal Work­ing Group, June 2010.

Let­ter from 90 sci­en­tists to Con­gres­sion­al lead­ers urg­ing that bio­mass glob­al warm­ing emis­sions be account­ed for prop­er­ly, May 2010


Envi­va’s Wood Pel­let Mill in Ahoskie, North Car­oli­na Threat­ens Endan­gered Ecosys­tems and Wildlife, Dog­wood Alliance, August 2013

Tree Plan­ta­tions in the South to Gen­er­ate Ener­gy in the North: A new threat to com­mu­ni­ties and forests, World Rain­for­est Move­ment, Feb­ru­ary 2013

Bark­ing Up the Wrong Tree? For­est Sus­tain­abil­i­ty in the Wake of Emerg­ing Bioen­er­gy Poli­cies, Jody M. Endres, Ver­mont Law Review, Jan­u­ary 2013

The Use of Whole Trees in Wood Pel­let Man­u­fac­tur­ing, Dog­wood Alliance, Novem­ber 2012

Sus­tain­able Bio­mass: A Mod­ern Myth, Rachel Smolk­er et. al., Bio­fu­el­watch, Sep­tem­ber 2012

Ecol­o­gy of Dead Wood in the South­east, For­est Guild, Jan­u­ary 2012

Beaver Wood Ener­gy Wood Sup­ply, Tim­o­thy Mak­er, Ver­mont Pub­lic Ser­vice Board, Decem­ber 2011

Fuelling a Bio­mess: Why Burn­ing Trees for Ener­gy Will Harm Peo­ple, The Cli­mate, and Forests, Green­peace, Novem­ber 2011

South­ern For­est Futures Report, U.S. Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture, May 2011

Wood-Based Bioen­er­gy: The Green Lie, Glob­al For­est Coali­tion, May 2010

Mass­a­chu­setts’ For­est at the Cross­roads, Mass­a­chu­setts For­est Watch, Sep­tem­ber 2009

The Sur­vival of the Emer­ald Ash Bor­er in Wood Chips, Roberts, Michi­gan State Uni­ver­si­ty Exten­sion, Feb­ru­ary 2006

Don’t Log the Forests for the Fuel: A Posi­tion Paper on the Poten­tial Envi­ron­men­tal and Eco­nom­ic Impacts of the Cel­lu­losic Ethanol Indus­try in the South­ern Unit­ed States, Quaran­da, Dog­wood Alliance

Eco­log­i­cal and Social Impacts of Fast Grow­ing Tim­ber Plan­ta­tions and Genet­i­cal­ly Engi­neered Trees, Car­man et. al., Dog­wood Alliance


For­est and Wild­land Fire Syn­the­sis, John Muir Project, April 2015

Don’t Blame the Bee­tles: Bark bee­tles may have dev­as­tat­ed west­ern forests, but that may not mean more severe fires, Car­swell, Sci­ence, Octo­ber 2014

Fuel Reduc­tion Prac­tices and Their Effects on Soil Qual­i­ty, Busse et. al., Unit­ed States Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture, Feb­ru­ary 2014

Reassess­ment of the Use of Fire as a Man­age­ment Tool in Decid­u­ous Forests in East­ern North Amer­i­ca, Mat­lack, Con­ser­va­tion Biol­o­gy, Octo­ber 2013

The Water­shed Impacts of For­est Treat­ments to Reduce Fuels and Mod­i­fy Fire Behav­ior, Rhodes, Pacif­ic Rivers Coun­cil, Feb­ru­ary 2007


Wood Bioen­er­gy: Green Land Grabs for Dirty “Renew­able” Ener­gy, Glob­al For­est Coali­tion and Bio­fu­el­watch, Octo­ber 2013

A Fore­see­able Dis­as­ter: The Euro­pean Union’s agroen­er­gy poli­cies and the glob­al land and water grab, Transna­tion­al Insti­tute, FDCL, and Econexus for Hands off the Land Alliance, July 2013


Increas­ing the Gen­der Gap: The Impacts of the Bioe­con­o­my and Mar­kets in Envi­ron­men­tal Ser­vices on Women, Glob­al For­est Coali­tion, May 2013

State of Prac­tice for Emerg­ing Waste Con­ver­sion Tech­nolo­gies, RTI Inter­na­tion­al, Octo­ber 2012

Bio­mass Elec­tric­i­ty: Clean Ener­gy Sub­si­dies for a Dirty Indus­try, Bio­mass Account­abil­i­ty Project, June 2011

Let­ter to Sen­a­tor Stabenow show­ing how few jobs are cre­at­ed by bio­mass incin­er­a­tors, Octo­ber 2009

Assess­ment of Mate­ri­als Man­age­ment Options for the Mass­a­chu­setts Sol­id Waste Mas­ter Plan Review, Tel­lus Insti­tute, 2008

The Via­bil­i­ty of Advanced Ther­mal Treat­ment of MSW in the UK, Ficht­ner Con­sult­ing Engi­neers Lim­it­ed, 2004


The High Costs and Low Ben­e­fits of Attempt­ing to Increase Water Yield by For­est Removal in the Sier­ra Neva­da, Rhodes and Fris­sell, Envi­ron­ment Now, Decem­ber 2015


No Proof of Harm: A Cit­i­zen Sci­ence Inves­ti­ga­tion, Breathe Clean Air Group, May 2015

GREC Bio­mass Plant: Report to the Coun­ty Man­ag­er Regard­ing Noise, Wolf, Sep­tem­ber 2013


Cesium 137 in Wood Ash: Results of Nation­wide Sur­vey, Stew­art Farber

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