Biomass Developer Eyes Louisiana for Three New Biofuel Refineries

Bio­mass Devel­op­er Eyes Louisiana for Three New Bio­fu­el Refineries

August 27, 2013, Source: BioEn­er­gy News

Cool Plan­et Ener­gy Sys­tems, a pro­duc­er of petrol from non-food bio­mass, is to build three bio­mass-to-bio­fu­el pro­duc­tion plants in the US state of Louisiana for an invest­ment of $168 mil­lion (€125.9 million).

Two sites – one in Alexan­dria and anoth­er in Natchi­toches – have already been deter­mined. The loca­tion for the third plant is still to be decided.

Cool Plan­et will break ground on the Port of Alexan­dria project at the begin­ning of 2014 before oper­a­tions begin at the end of the year. Con­struc­tion on the sec­ond biore­fin­ery at the Port of Natchi­toches is slat­ed to begin by mid-2015, with a com­ple­tion date of 2016. The third plant will enter ser­vice towards the end of 2016.

Cool Plan­et Ener­gy Sys­tems CEO Howard Janzen was quot­ed as say­ing: ‘We chose Louisiana for mul­ti­ple rea­sons, includ­ing abun­dant renew­able feed­stock sup­ply. Our goal is to have oper­at­ing and cap­i­tal costs that are com­pet­i­tive with con­ven­tion­al oil indus­try gaso­line pro­duc­tion costs.’

‘Cool Plan­et’s deci­sion to invest in cen­tral Louisiana rein­forced two impor­tant mes­sages,’ pres­i­dent Jim Clin­ton of the Cen­tral Louisiana Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment Alliance was report­ed to have said. ‘First, cen­tral Louisiana is a great loca­tion for mak­ing things. And sec­ond, it is emerg­ing as a nation­al leader in high-tech bio­mass and renew­able ener­gy applications.’

The project will cre­ate 72 new direct job open­ings and around 750 con­struc­tion jobs.





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