Biomass Carpetbaggers

Bio­mass Carpetbaggers

- by Tom Tolg, August 20, 2013. SourceThe Recorder  

If Edi­tor Blagg’s pro-bio­mass col­umn was a meal I’d say it was a thin gru­el of taint­ed left­overs along with a fruit sal­ad loaded with sour grapes. 

Leav­ing the din­ner table, we stum­ble onto “car­pet­bag­gers” who Mr. Blagg iden­ti­fies with the anti-bio­mass folks. If you Google “car­pet­bag­gers,” you find that the term refers to post-Civ­il War quick-buck artists, or entre­pre­neurs if you wish, from out­side the South, much like that slick-talk­ing Matt Wolfe who envi­sioned prof­it­ing hand­some­ly while clear-cut­ting hun­dreds or thou­sands of acres and adding more “par­tic­u­lates” to the air we breathe.

I’d be curi­ous to know who Mr. Blagg had in mind and how much they prof­it­ed, these anti-bio­mass carpetbaggers?

I was a part of this citizen’s upris­ing and can­not think of any­one who finan­cial­ly prof­it­ed from their activ­i­ty. Actu­al­ly, many con­tributed mon­ey, ran fundrais­ers and gave many hours of their time to help defeat this cocka­mamie idea.

Final­ly, how’s about some seri­ous research into turn­ing the bio­mass site into a huge solar to elec­tric­i­ty project? As Mr. Blagg observed in his article,”the site is near a set of high ten­sion pow­er lines.”


Green­field, Massachusetts





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