Battle for Arctic Energy

Pre­dis­dent Vladimir Putin ordered Rus­si­a’s Mil­i­tary to increase its focus on the Arc­tic and fin­ish plans by the end of the year to upgrade mil­i­tary bases in the resource-rich region where world pow­ers jos­tle for control.

Speak­ing to Defence Min­is­ter Sergei Shoigu, Putin praised the mil­i­tary’s work in the Arc­tic, where Cana­da said on Mon­day it was claim­ing the North Pole as part of an broad­er claim on the region.

The Unit­ed States, Den­mark and Nor­way are also press­ing for con­trol of what they con­sid­er their fair share of mas­sive untapped oil and nat­ur­al gas reserves.

“I request that you pay spe­cial atten­tion to the deploy­ment of infra­struc­ture and mil­i­tary units in the Arc­tic,” Putin said, speak­ing at a Defence Min­istry board meeting.

“By the end of the year it is planned — and I expect it will be done … the renew­al of the Tik­si air­field and com­ple­tion of con­struc­tion work on the Severomorsk‑1 air­field,” he said in tele­vised comments.

Rus­sia has already com­plet­ed work on ren­o­vat­ing an air­field on the Novosi­birsk Islands, Putin said, which was aban­doned in 1993. Ear­li­er this year Moscow sent 10 war­ships and four ice­break­ers to the islands in a show of force.

Under­scor­ing Moscow’s sen­si­tiv­i­ty over Arc­tic claims, Rus­sia arrest­ed 30 peo­ple on board a Green­peace ship dur­ing a Sep­tem­ber protest against Russ­ian off­shore Arc­tic drilling. They now face charges car­ry­ing sev­en year jail sentences.

Putin said ear­li­er this week that Rus­si­a’s mil­i­tary pres­ence in the Arc­tic was need­ed to pro­tect against poten­tial threats from the Unit­ed States.

The U.S. Geo­log­i­cal Sur­vey says the Arc­tic con­tains 30 per­cent of the world’s undis­cov­ered nat­ur­al gas and 15 per­cent of oil.

The world’s largest oil pro­duc­er, Rus­sia expects to see oil out­put decline at its main­stay west­ern Siber­ian oil­fields in com­ing years and has looked fur­ther afield to poten­tial Arc­tic reserves.

Rus­sia, Cana­da and Den­mark all say an under­wa­ter moun­tain range known as the Lomonosov





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