Baltimore students rally against giant waste incinerator

Yes­ter­day, we joined the high school stu­dents in Bal­ti­more for their excel­lent 100-strong march/rally against a plan for the nation’s largest waste incin­er­a­tor, planned by Ener­gy Answers with­in a mile of their school in one of the nation’s most pol­lut­ed zip codes. It would burn 4,000 tons/day of trash, tires, shred­ded cars and wood waste, not far from the nation’s largest med­ical waste incin­er­a­tor and in the same city as the largest of three trash incin­er­a­tors that already exist in Maryland.

We were joined by 16-year old Kaya Ban­ton (on right in bot­tom pho­to) from Chester, PA, home to the largest exist­ing trash incin­er­a­tor in the U.S. (burn­ing 3,400 tons/day of waste right across the tracks from res­i­den­tial homes).

The high school group, Free Your Voice, orga­niz­ing with Unit­ed Work­ers, are lead­ing the way and Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work will be work­ing with them to see this through to a vic­to­ry, as we also con­tin­ue our 20-year his­to­ry of work with res­i­dents of Chester, PA to stop the envi­ron­men­tal injus­tices there as well.

Check out the video from the event, and the trail of media cov­er­age, here:

For more info, see:
Bal­ti­more Envi­ron­men­tal Jus­tice Face­book page
Chester, PA his­to­ry of vic­to­ries and list of polluters





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