Are Media Outlets Megaphones for Polluters?

Are Media Out­lets Mega­phones for Polluters?

Thurs­day, May 21, 2015 at 5pm PST / 8 ET

Guest Speak­er: Steve Horn, Inves­tiga­tive Journalist

Are media out­lets doing an ade­quate job cov­er­ing the health and envi­ron­men­tal impacts of dirty ener­gy cor­po­ra­tions and oth­er polluters?

Not accord­ing to Steve Horn, a Madi­son, Wis­con­sin-based free­lance inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ist and writer for DeSmog­Blog. Steve has found an alarm­ing trend in one-sided media report­ing on ener­gy issues, mak­ing it dif­fi­cult for the pub­lic to make informed deci­sions about cli­mate change, air pol­lu­tion, and our ener­gy future.

Join Steve on Thurs­day, May 21 at 5 pm PT / 8 pm ET to get the scoop on media’s scanty report­ing on cor­po­rate pol­luters and what you can do about it.

Find audio archives of past calls here. 





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