Aborted Fetuses Sent to Oregon, Incinerated for Energy

[No inten­tion of get­ting into pro-choice vs. pro-life discussion–it’s just impor­tant to know where your ener­gy comes from. ‑Ed.]

- by Joe Scha­ef­fer, April 23, 2014. Source: News­max

Abort­ed human fetus­es are being shipped from British Colum­bia to the Unit­ed States, where they are incin­er­at­ed to pro­vide elec­tric­i­ty for Ore­gon residents.

The British Colum­bia Health Min­istry has admit­ted the fetus­es are end­ing up in a waste-to-pow­er facil­i­ty that pro­vides pow­er to Ore­go­ni­ans, Life­Site­News reports.

The Health Min­istry dis­closed in an email to the B.C. Catholic, the offi­cial news­pa­per of the Arch­dio­cese of Van­cou­ver, that “bio­med­ical waste” sent to the U.S. for incin­er­a­tion includes “human tis­sue, such as sur­gi­cal­ly removed can­cer­ous tis­sue, ampu­tat­ed limbs, and fetal tis­sue.”
“The min­istry under­stands that some is trans­ferred to Ore­gon. There it is incin­er­at­ed in a waste-to-ener­gy plant,” the email read, Life­Site­News reports.

The B.C. Catholic spoke with Kris­tan Mitchell, exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Ore­gon Refuse and Recy­cling Asso­ci­a­tion, who told the pub­li­ca­tion that the “bio­med­ical waste” is like­ly sent to the Cov­an­ta Mar­i­on waste-to-ener­gy facil­i­ty in Ore­gon, the only facil­i­ty in the state that con­verts waste into pow­er, Life­Site­News reports.

Cov­an­ta Mar­i­on con­firmed that it still receives and incin­er­ates B.C. med­ical waste, Life­Site­News reports.

The news comes one month after sim­i­lar reports of abort­ed fetus­es being incin­er­at­ed and used for pow­er caused an uproar in the Unit­ed King­dom. News that abort­ed fetus­es were being burned to pro­vide heat for hos­pi­tals led to U.K. author­i­ties’ issu­ing an instant ban on the “total­ly unac­cept­able” prac­tice.

At least 15,500 abort­ed or mis­car­ried babies were clas­si­fied as clin­i­cal waste and sub­se­quent­ly incin­er­at­ed, accord­ing to the reports.

As many as 10 employ­ees at Eng­land’s Nation­al Health Ser­vice admit­ted to hav­ing burned fetal remains that had been mixed with garbage, and two oth­er employ­ees said the abort­ed or mis­car­ried bod­ies were used in the coun­try’s “waste-to-ener­gy” plants to gen­er­ate pow­er for heat, Britain’s Tele­graph news­pa­per report­ed.

The har­vest­ing of the unborn for con­sumer pur­pos­es has devel­oped into a hot-but­ton issue for the pro-life com­mu­ni­ty in recent years.

Pro-lif­ers expressed out­rage over 2012 reports that major food and bev­er­age cor­po­ra­tions such as Pep­si­Co. and Camp­bell Soup had con­tract­ed with a research firm that uses a line of kid­ney cells orig­i­nal­ly acquired from an abort­ed fetus to test fla­vor enhancers.

On Feb. 28, 2012, the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion’s Secu­ri­ties and Exchange Com­mis­sion declared that such use falls with­in the con­fines of “ordi­nary busi­ness.“

Seno­myx, the research firm at the cen­ter of the con­tro­ver­sy, boasts on its web­site that it “has received com­mer­cial­iza­tion rev­enues that include roy­al­ties on sales of prod­ucts incor­po­rat­ing its fla­vor ingre­di­ents” from sev­er­al multi­na­tion­al food com­pa­nies, includ­ing Nestle.




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