• Biomass Energy: Another Kind of Climate Change Denial

    (Graph­ic: Indi­ana Joel) We’re all famil­iar with cli­mate change deniers, cheer­ful­ly and/or will­ful­ly igno­rant folk who refuse to accept that human-caused car­bon emis­sions are respon­si­ble for the cli­mate cri­sis — or that there even is a cli­mate cri­sis. Those of us who val­ue sci­ence and com­mon sense typ­i­cal­ly have as much patience for these twen­ty-three per­cent of Amer­i­cans…

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  • I Can’t Breathe: Air Pollution Worse for Communities of Color

    - by Brentin Mock, Grist In North Car­oli­na, sci­en­tists from the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency have found a “sta­ble and neg­a­tive asso­ci­a­tion” between poor birth out­comes among women and their expo­sure to air pol­lu­tion. That’s pret­ty much com­mon knowl­edge, if not com­mon sense, no mat­ter what state or coun­try you look at. But the EPA sci­en­tists also…

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  • Proposed Plant to Export Wood Pellets to Asia

    - Sep­tem­ber 25, 2014, Bio­mass Magazine A pro­posed pel­let plant under devel­op­ment near Mis­sion, British Colum­bia, aims to pro­duce wood pel­lets for export into indus­tri­al mar­kets in South Korea and oth­er Asian mar­kets. The project is being devel­oped by SMG Wood Pel­let Inc., a sub­sidiary of Van­cou­ver, British Colum­bia-based SMG Asset. The facil­i­ty will be brand­ed…

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  • Stafford Incinerator in Virginia Not “Financially Beneficial”

    - by Neil Seld­man, August 22, 2014, Insti­tute for Local Self-Reliance The Region­al Sol­id Waste Man­age­ment Board that over­sees the Coun­ty and City of Fred­er­icks­burg land­fill will not pur­sue a garbage and indus­tri­al waste incin­er­a­tion-gasi­fi­ca­tion facil­i­ty. The Coun­ty received no bid that it con­sid­ered finan­cial­ly ben­e­fi­cial to the Coun­ty and City and dropped the project. StopTheStaffordIncinerator.com has…

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  • City of Allentown, PA Terminates Contract for Waste Incinerator

    - by Allen­town Res­i­dents for Clean Air, Sep­tem­ber 30, 2014, Stop the Burn The City of Allen­town is pulling out of the con­tract with Delta Ther­mo Energy. This news sure­ly spells the death of the exper­i­men­tal trash and sewage sludge incin­er­a­tor that threat­ens Allentown. HOWEVER, the company’s air and waste per­mits are still out there. The air per­mit could be sold…

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  • Bioenergy Capacity Continues to Increase

    - by Erin Voegele, Sep­tem­ber 26, 2014, Bio­mass Magazine The U.S. Ener­gy Infor­ma­tion Admin­is­tra­tion has released the Sep­tem­ber issue of its Elec­tric Pow­er Month­ly report, indi­cat­ing total in-ser­vice bioen­er­gy capac­i­ty equaled 13,431.4 MW as of the close of July, up from 13,368.4 MW at the close of June. Over­all, 313 MW of new bioen­er­gy capac­i­ty was…

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  • 20 Years, Yet EPA Still Fails to Protect Us From Polluting Incinerators

    - by Phillip Ellis and Neil Gorm­ley, Octo­ber 4, 2014,  Huff­in­g­ton Post Joe Poole Lake is a pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion for Dal­las and Fort Worth res­i­dents look­ing for a week­end escape to the great out­doors. Lined with bar­be­cue grills, hik­ing trails and sandy beach­es, the 7,400-acre lake and its wood­en wel­come sign invite end­less oppor­tu­ni­ties to relax…

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  • Oregon Site Selected for Biofuel Plant

    - by Eric Morten­son, Sep­tem­ber 19, 2014, Cap­i­tal Press Red Rock Bio­fu­els, a sub­sidiary of IR1 Group of Fort Collins, Colo., will use for­est bio­mass — debris from log­ging or thin­ning oper­a­tions — to pro­duce fuel. It is one of three firms select­ed for the project, which is intend­ed to pro­duce a com­bined total of 100 mil­lion…

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  • Thanks to NY Biomass Incinerator, Firewood More Difficult to Find

    - by Pete Cree­don, Octo­ber 6, 2014, Water­town Dai­ly Times Always nice to see a com­pa­ny come in an offer jobs and oth­er things that will ben­e­fit the area it serves (“ReEn­er­gy wins huge con­tract at Drum,” Sept. 30). The ques­tion is, at what cost? The peo­ple this will affect in a neg­a­tive way are a small group…

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  • Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Set to Drive Biomass Demand

    - by David App­le­yard, Sep­tem­ber 3, 2014, Cogen­er­a­tion and Onsite Pow­er Production New analy­sis from the Inter­na­tion­al Renew­able Ener­gy Agency (IRENA) fore­casts com­bined heat and pow­er (CHP) and indus­tri­al heat demand are set to dri­ve glob­al bioen­er­gy con­sump­tion over the com­ing decade and more. Accord­ing to Glob­al Bioen­er­gy Sup­ply and Demand pro­jec­tions, a work­ing paper for REmap 2030, glob­al bio­mass demand could dou­ble…

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