
Water Power (Hydroelectric Dams)

A short list of the detri­men­tal effects of dams:

  • Blocks the trav­el of wildlife.
  • Destroys forests, agri­cul­tur­al land, recre­ation areas.
  • Alters stream flow caus­ing dis­rup­tions in plant and ani­mal ecology.
  • Sed­i­ment is retained behind the dam, so water scours the stream bed below the dam.

Dam Diver­si­ty

What dif­fer­ence does a dam make? By mea­sur­ing the bug pop­u­la­tions in the water before and after the removal of a dam on the Con­esto­ga Riv­er in Lan­cast­er Coun­ty, Heather Cala­man found that the dam was sup­press­ing diver­si­ty. Before the dam was removed, she found 554 crit­ters from 16 fam­i­lies. After­ward she found 3,783 from 30 fam­i­lies. Cala­man believes the increase was due to the high amount of oxy­gen avail­able in the faster flow­ing water.

-Eliz­a­beth Monk (Research/Penn State Sep­tem­ber 2002, p 20)

Large Hydro Dams

(A good gen­er­al web­site on dams is Inter­na­tion­al Rivers Net­work, and you should start with their page on the prob­lems with big dams.)

Are dams environmentally sound?

Dams Emit Green­house Gases

Dams, forests and people

Inter­na­tion­al Rivers Net­work (Dams and Human Rights)

Kyoto accord sig­nals death knell for dinosaur era fish in Canada
Canada’s effort to meet the Kyoto Treaty oblig­a­tion is spark­ing an effort to build more than 100 new hydro-elec­tric dams in cen­tral and west­ern parts of the country.

What organizations are helping to get rid of dams?

North­east Megadam Resistance

Save Our Wild Salmon Coali­tion (Pacif­ic North­west US)

Glen Canyon Dam (Utah)

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Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

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