250 Scientists Concerned about Post-fire Logging

250 Sci­en­tists Con­cerned about Post-fire Logging

Novem­ber 4, 2013, Source: Yuba.net

In an open let­ter to the U.S. Con­gress, 250 sci­en­tists request that Con­gress show restraint in speed­ing up log­ging in the wake of this year’s wild­fires, most notably the Rim fire in the Stanis­laus Nation­al For­est and Yosemite Nation­al Park.

The sci­en­tists raised con­cerns that cur­rent­ly pro­posed leg­is­la­tion (HR1526, which passed in the House in Sep­tem­ber, and HR3188, now before the House) would seri­ous­ly under­mine the eco­log­i­cal integri­ty of for­est ecosys­tems, set­ting back their abil­i­ty to regen­er­ate after wildfires.

 The let­ter also point­ed to the numer­ous ecosys­tem ben­e­fits from wild­fires and how post-fire land­scapes are as rich in plants and wildlife as old-growth ecosys­tems.

Full text of the sci­en­tists’ let­ter to Congress

Open Let­ter to Mem­bers of Con­gress from 250 Sci­en­tists Con­cerned about Post-fire Log­ging Octo­ber 30, 2013




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